“[US president Donald Trump] can say whatever he wants,” said National Security Minister Stuart Young yesterday. “At the end of the day, as far as I am aware, Venezuela is a sovereign country.
“[…] I certainly would not wish for any country to have a coup. We stand ready to assist in whatever way we can, but we certainly don’t think that one government calling for another government to fall is the right thing.”
Tell Venezuela president Nicolás Maduro doh study the mighty United States Army. Eh, Trinidad and Tobago’s got your back!

(Copyright AFP 2017/Federico Parra)
It was a commendable show of loyalty by Young to a besieged neighbour that might have left Maduro teary-eyed. And possibly had the National Security Minister’s former step daughter, Christina Sankar, rolling her eyes.
So you mean Stuart ‘fraid Gary Griffith more than ‘The Donald’? That Dragon Gas Deal must be a damn sight sweeter than anything Butch Stewart’s Sandals was prepared to put on the table.
Whichever way you look at it, yesterday was freaking bizarre.
First, on a public street in Caracas, the 35 year old Juan Guaidó—the leader of Venezuela’s National Assembly—swore himself in as interim president of Venezuela without the inconvenience of ever actually running for president.
Guaidó, an engineer by trade, was only elected head of the National Assembly on 5 January. At this rate, he might annex Guyana before Machel Monday.
The young Venezuelan’s power-play, according to some partisan observers, was an act of bravado and patriotism in the face of electoral shenanigans by the fiendishly, dodgy Maduro.
Or, as ‘The Donald’ put it, Guaidó’s National Assembly is the “only legitimate branch of government duly elected by the Venezuelan people.”
And if there is one man who knows a suspicious electoral process when he sees it, surely it is ‘The Donald’. Not so Robert Mueller?

Right Putin?
(Copyright Getty)
“If the Maduro regime choose to respond with violence, if they choose to harm any of the national assembly members,” stated a US official, “all options are on the table for the United States to respond.
“[…] The US will not allow an individual, Nicolás Maduro, and his cronies to continue to loot the Venezuela state.”
It was big talk from a US government that could not even get chefs out to work—due to an ongoing Trump-inspired government shutdown—and had to offer fast food to their national football champions, the Clemson University, on their obligatory dinner at the White House.
Maybe ‘The Donald’ plans to give Maduro dangerously high cholesterol.
Seriously though, if Maduro was wondering what the ‘Yanks’ might do about the visit of two Russian strategic bombing aircraft—capable of carrying nuclear weapons—to Caracas last month. Well, now he knows.
Mr Live Wire hasn’t seen Americans this upset since Trinidad and Tobago right back Alvin Jones strung up Tim Howard to dash USA’s 2018 World Cup qualifying dreams at the last hurdle.
Maybe Young should send the Soca Warriors over to Caracas as a first line of defence. True, Venezuela—with an inflation rate recorded at 830,000% last November—is an economic basket case and the boys may struggle to get their wages on time.
But then that couldn’t be much worse than life under TTFA president David John-Williams.

I95.5FM was paid to cover all of Trinidad and Tobago’s football matches, inclusive of travel and accommodation, rather than the other way around.
(Copyright AFP 2017/Luis Acosta)
Mr. Live Wire is an avid news reader who translates media reports for persons who can handle the truth. And satire. Unlike Jack Nicholson, he rarely yells.
Let’s refresh
Nerisha Mohammed that’s absolutely fine.
So …. I distinctly remember someone not believing me when I said that the US already had ships out in the Caribbean Sea just waiting. Confirmed by officers in T&T too.
Why do you think Russia landed their jets during that time?
People forget so easily. Don’t come complaining next time when there’s another Iraq. Oh I forgot, next is Iran. Lmao
What about the elections in May 2018 was illegitimate?
It’s not Trump I’m worried about, it’s John Bolton. His ideologies are way off……Trump just agreeing imo
….and Mike Pence
“If the military stays broadly loyal to Maduro, Trump and his hawkish national security adviser, John Bolton, who has led the charge for regime change in Caracas, will have failed to meet the first, elementary requirement for successful coup-making: ensure the guys with the guns are on your side…”
What does Article 233 actually say? Does anyone know ?
This is all I saw and ironically it is from the same source:
Article 233: The President of the Republic shall become permanently unavailable to serve by reason of any of the following events: death; resignation; removal from office by decision of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice; permanent physical or mental disability certified by a medical board designated by the Supreme Tribunal of Justice with the approval of the National Assembly; abandonment of his position, duly declared by the National Assembly; and recall by popular vote.
When an elected President becomes permanently unavailable to serve prior to his inauguration, a new election by universal suffrage and direct ballot shall be held within 30 consecutive days. Pending election and inauguration of the new President, the President of the National Assembly shall take charge of the Presidency of the Republic.
When the President of the Republic becomes permanently unavailable to serve during the first four years of this constitutional term of office, a new election by universal suffrage and direct ballot shall be held within 30 consecutive days. Pending election and inauguration of the new President, the Executive Vice-President shall take charge of the Presidency of the Republic.
In the cases describes above, the new President shall complete the current constitutional term of office. If the President becomes permanently unavailable to serve during the last two years of his constitutional term of office, the Executive Vice-President shall take over the Presidency of the Republic until such term is completed.
lolz ,,,
So ,, when do you have elections for vice president ? are those elections separate from the elections of the President ? Or isn’t the post of vice president ALSO vacant , when the President’s term expires ?
The president was not incapacitated , his term expired and when his term expired so did the term of his vice president
What shit is venezuelaanalysis on ?
Wait ? did anyone fall for their bull shiet ?
Lasana Liburd in the first instance it does not seem that the supreme tribunal of justice ( who comes up with these names) has deliberated and rules with reason that he be removed … and even if they had ruled then it is the Vice President that should serve out the term and not Guaido .
Angel and I don’t suppose Guaidó’s swearing-in ceremony was done by the book either.
He best hope the Yanks don’t leave him high and dry. The consequences for his actions could be dire.
Stakes raised.
Here is another. https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Russia-China-Caution-US-Against-A-Venezuelan-Coup-20190124-0007.html?fbclid=IwAR2exqskg8kV-Pfy1hBcsTtynGXScZDJIMimKb-rvbrzkVGA07g9LyqWNpE
I love how the dashing Pence using US staff in Venezuela as pawns by ordering them to stay in Caracas since he doesn’t recognize Maduro’s authority to expel them.
How brave and noble of him to do so from the safety of Washington.
If I was at the US embassy at Caracas and I had some ‘sick days’ to use…
Are they even getting paid?
Lol. Good point. I wonder how that goes for their foreign diplomatic staff including right here in Port of Spain. :-/
I believe no federal employees are being paid, that would probably include diplomatic staff.
all i can say is if Maduro crazy enough to interfere with any of those diplomats…Trump not like the previous clown who used to draw lines…this wont be any Benghazi and he doesn’t bluff!!! There will be swift response
Steve he didn’t bluff in Syria?
Lasana Liburd Trump? last i checked he bombed Syria for using chem weapons as he said he would
And then Putin told him to behave so now the US is withdrawing…
if that why you believe that is why he is withdrawing go ahead believing the left wing media propaganda
Steve he even was gracious enough to warn Russia before dropping the bomb. Lol.
And then he pulled his troops.
Good luck to Guaidó is all I will say.
Lasana Liburd why does it have to be an either/or situation.
Some bodies have been calling for dialogue.
Also, there is supposed to be a transitional team.
I truly hope it is not an either/or situation and that some neutral bodies can have some influence
Nerisha a good negotiating tactic is one fella swearing himself in on the street and asking soldiers to mutiny?
What do you think would happen if someone tried that in the US? A US soldier can get life in jail for just slipping a document to the press.
Lasana Liburd ihu. Hence my word, demockracy. A parallel analogy can be drawn to him being elected as DT.
Nobody seems to know how, or want to admit it!
Or maybe they changed their minds!
However he ended up there, he clearly does not have the interest of the population at heart, from feelings on the ground.
So we leave him there to finish destroy the country, adding undue hardship to neighbouring countries?
BTW, I posted an article on one of Chavez’s men, now a millionaire.
The enemy in this story is not the US. At least, not yet.
Hopefully, good sense will prevail. Too many innocent lives are being lost to violence and inequitable distribution of basic necessities.
The time to do nothing has passed a long time ago!
Crying shame on Caricom for their apparent apathy.
Can you imagine Hillary Clinton saying she doesn’t recognize Trump’s electoral win and swearing herself in as president on a street in Washington?
One cannot argue that intervention is not the right desicion. But what the US is doing sets a dangerous precedent. ANybody else for whom its an abstract issue can pick a side. we share a border and a gas deal with a country that is on the brink of civil war and where we shelter more than 100k people indifferent ways. Its complicated and TT needs to be careful. Lets remember a flight of Bear bombers can carry enough conventional bombs to level the east west corridor in a single pass.
Gerard Llanos Oh no. They can’t fix the pot holes that are there ? now. lol
Gerard Llanos ??
MY problem with what Gerard Llanos posted stems from his use of the word “precedent.” It suggests that the United States has not done this kind of criminality before when the evidence clearly point to the exact opposite.
Yeah. Credit USA for believing in democracy when it suits them and where it suits them.
Trump doesn’t mind with his rocketman buddy in North Korea or his pal in Saudi Arabia though.
And he certainly didn’t see anything wrong with Putin’s election figures! ?
I couldn’t read past Bloomberg’s opening paragraph.
Lasana Liburd u mean trump have no problem with his own election controversy
Lasana Liburd the Democrats are so quiet because Trump is doing what they would have done too. Not one of them actually make these decisions by themselves apropos.
Down with the nasty democrats and the equally dumb Republicans. We must vote to support the citizens of the US ousting their government too! How would they like that, the So and Sos.
T&T can’t make a penniless football organisation stick to a Constitution
China are pretty quiet too. Although that’s their way I guess. You have all three global superpowers interested here. China, Russia and USA.
Well, four. Trinidad and Tobago too! Lol.
Doh touch our Dragon Deal!
Three superpowers each with hacking ability… ahead of three elections.
Must be dizzying to figure out which way we should spin. Lol.
I suppose credit China for not bothering with shambolic elections. Unlike the others.
well actually china officially supports maduro
A lot of chest thumping until Putin says stand still…
Chabeth Haynes seems everybody waiting for them to speak/make his move!
What, is he Thanos? Lol
[…] I certainly would not wish for any country to have a coup. We stand ready to assist in whatever way we can, but we certainly don’t think that one government calling for another government to fall is the right thing.”
This being in quotes, I have to believe this was actually said.
I think Jack Warner is training the present politicians in the art of yesterday was yesterday and today is today.
That can be the only logical conclusion. Because surely Mr. Young is aware of the history of emailgate. Smh.
Yes, those are direct quotes.