The Urban dictionary defines dissing as ‘utterances of a (dis)respectful nature’ and goes on to add ‘not doing right thing… not showing common decency’ and ‘not creating balance in our world’. Twice this week, we were forced to witness our leaders dissing us and contributing to keeping our world off-kilter. …
Read More »Live Wire chronicles: Venezuelan kerfuffle, mystical Moses and a memorable ‘Ruby Tuesday’ special
Almost 48 hours on, Trinidad and Tobago citizens remain transfixed to their devices, awestruck by the unfolding drama; the unmitigated gall, unmistakable geopolitical confusion, botched cover-up and uncertain consequences after a man’s remarkable bravery in the face of terrifying power. Our neighbours are in unprecedented territory now. So what next? …
Read More »Rambachan’s appalling miscalculation of T&T wage statistics is playing with lives
Official statistics is not a negotiation game, it affects the reality of people’s everyday lives. The cavalier televised response of MP Suruj Rambachan—“If you say 41%, I say 75%, you could say 60%”—in attempting to justify his claim that 75% of Trinidadians work for less than TT$6,000 per month is …
Read More »Can Government weather the coming storm? Best fires one at the PNM
Time was when, if yuh neighbour house on fire, yuh used to throw water on your own. Not anymore, not in politics anyway. Nowadays, if yuh political neighbour house on fire, yuh does throw pitchoil. I thought that was the hidden message in an unpublished letter sent to Wired868 by …
Read More »Mystifying dead-ends to reform: Sunity explains why the people must seize reins
Of all the plans being promoted by the Dr Keith Rowley administration, local government reform offers the greatest potential for revolutionary political change through decentralisation of power. But we would be a very naïve people indeed if we were to ignore the record and underestimate the great risk of it …
Read More »Fixin’ T&T: Excuses by Kamla and Padarath for hiring relatives is insulting
Civic watch group, Fixin’ T&T, will target Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar and MPs Barry Padarath, Dr Bhoe Tewarie and Rushton Paray tomorrow for allegedly breaching Sections 24.2 and 29.1 of the Integrity in Public Life Act by having relatives employed at their constituency offices. Fixin’ T&T, which is headed by …
Read More »Who let the Scourge out? UNC goes full LMFAO
New evidence points to corrupt business practices by FIFA president Sepp Blatter, police pummel a black youth in the United States, Britney Spears has a wardrobe malfunction and UNC senator flashes underwear at public… There is a certain inevitability to the news these days, isn’t it? Mr Live Wire has …
Read More »Public interest in private lives: Reshmi, Kamla, Jack and sex in the media
Less than eight months after Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the People’s Partnership skilfully navigated the crest of a high wave in a sea of yellow and assumed governance of a nation, the name Reshmi Ramnarine entered the national vocabulary. The PP government was elected on May 24, 2010. News of Ramnarine’s …
Read More »Tendering gone awry, DJ Loose Lips plus promotion for Johnny-Gun-Lately
Stacy Roopnarine, a UNC MP, does not care much for Minister of Works Suruj Rambachan’s tendering; but, apparently, she can be much tenderer where National Security Minister Gary Griffith is concerned. Griffith, incidentally, is a man of no fixed party although, for now, the part-time hobo is back at home …
Read More »How to con a con: Warner gets Jack-ed in Chaguanas mayor race
“Thy’s a Judas,” stated one onlooker, as councillors met at the Chaguanas Borough Corporation yesterday to select a new mayor. The female commenter did not quite pull off the King James version-speak; but one got the picture. An evil deed of biblical proportions had just been executed. “We want the …
Read More »Prime Minister’s gone wild… with elation at election results!
An elderly woman’s behaviour, which was controversially rebroadcast by the media, has come under national scrutiny with critics saying she should know better than to expose her frailties in public while supporters insist she had every right to be moved by the excitement around her. But enough talk about the …
Read More »Behind the iron throne: The Cabal descends into chaos
The Lady Prime Minister summons her closest advisors, called the “Cabal”, to discuss control of the iron throne and a threat in Middle Trinidad from Lord Jack, who has risen from sure death like a phoenix; nay, a cockroach. Lord Anand, the Master of Coin, tries to assist her with a mathematical conundrum. …
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