“[…] Does it feel good to see a minister doing the hard work? Yes of course, but he is not paid to do that. “While this task is very necessary, he is paid to get it done—not do it himself. His time, which costs the taxpayers lots of money by the hour, …
Read More »Dear Editor: A Eurocentric psyche underpins name-calling between Kamla and Camille—on both sides
“[…] Kunta Kinte, the original Toby, was kidnapped at age 17 and enslaved in America. Yes, his body surrendered to physical defeat but his spirit, his mind remained untouched. “[…] Unfortunately, the psyche of today’s Toby is configured by Eurocentric institutions—programmes that subconsciously motivate him to consciously act like a …
Read More »Dear Editor: Gov’t indifference to the man on the street offends me, not Kamla Susheila’s ‘slave master’ jibe
“[…] The fact is that 2015 – 2025 was declared by the United Nations as the International Decade for People of African Descent with the theme: Recognition, Justice, Development. “[…] Has our country ticked off any of the objectives of the Decade? […] Why be outraged by a pure, if …
Read More »Dear Editor: Kamla’s apologists knew she was not attacked, so apologise for ‘middlename-gate’!
“[…] Curiously, the United National Congress was similarly quiet in the days following the PNM political meeting that was held in Arima on 24 May. “[…] One would be safe to assume that were there an attack of any kind that night on the Member for Siparia, it would have …
Read More »Dear Editor: What’s this about slave name, Kamla? Humble yourself and apologise—or resign
“[…] As a black Trinbagonian, I am truly offended that you felt that you should have gone to such a base degree through invoking the horrors of slavery in defence of your name. The UNC and Trinidad and Tobago deserve much better. “[…] You forgot to mention that when you …
Read More »PNM Women’s League describe Kamla’s ‘slave master name’ jab at Camille as ‘reprehensible’
UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar: “[…] Camille [Robinson-Regis], at least I have a name from my ancestors. Where you get yours from? Your name is that of a slave master…” PNM Women’s League: “[…] The Opposition Leader is neither a historian nor a geneticist. To deem Mrs Robinson-Regis’s name as …
Read More »Dear Editor: ‘Monkey business’ from politicians and police could turn anyone to crime!
“[…] I want to suggest that the ‘monkeypox’ virus, which seems to have us agog at the moment, originated in Parliament—for decades home to political baboons and chimps in our country. “Whatever the host, whether the strain is/has been PNM, UNC, COP, NAR or ONR, the infected behave the same …
Read More »Foster’s 12 questions: Why’d Venture flag ‘legitimate repayments’? Was loan declared to IC?
“[…] If, as stated in the Express on Monday 23rd May 2022, you ceased being a businessman upon becoming an MP and a minister in August 2020, why were you personally involved in business, business payments and business loans in January 2021? “[…] If this was a legitimate loan, as …
Read More »Dear Editor: Dr Rowley Govt’s 2% offer is a slap in the face for public sector workers
“[…] The mantra of those in authority, who are now offering public sector workers a meagre 2% over an eight-year period, was repeated time after time: ‘We are all in this together.’ “But I wish to remind them of a famous quote which says this: ‘We are not all in …
Read More »Dear Editor: UNC must apologise for response to 1997 Report, and Ramsaran should be charged for ‘misconduct in public office’
“[…] To say that the UNC Government’s answer to the Sabga Report on abuse of children was to develop a suite of children protection legislation is simply a cop out for not dealing with the criminality that the report revealed in gory and sordid detail. “The failure of then Minister …
Read More »Dear Editor: I’ve tried to correct mistakes of grammar and pronunciation in the media, but they ‘held out’
“[…] Introducing a pair of reporters to bring listeners up to date on a particular issue, night after night, the CNC3 tag team of news presenters tells us, for example, ‘Here is Radhica and Kristian de Silva…’ “The de Silvas are husband and wife and, therefore, a team. Thus, the …
Read More »PNM Women’s League: Abuse victims deserve justice! Sabga must take info to TTPS
“[…] For decades, there have been relentless attempts by past police commissioners and more recently the Police Complaints Authority to bring a certain degree of closure and possibly the perpetrator(s) to justice for this heinous crime against an innocent child. “Many calls were issued for individuals with information to come …
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