Fixin’ T&T: Dr Rowley, taxpayers deserve to know contents of ‘Darryl Smith report’

“No, Dr [Keith] Rowley, the ‘Smith Report’ must be made public. Taxpayers’ money [is] involved.”

The following press statement was issued by civic watch group, Fixin’ T&T, in response to Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s decision not to release independent report on MP and former Sport Minister Darryl Smith, who was sacked after allegations of sexual harassment against a former employee—hidden behind a non-disclosure agreement that was paid for by taxpayers’ money:

Photo: Sport Minister Darryl Smith (left) and his then Permanent Secretary and travel agent Natasha Borrow.
(Copyright Trinidad Guardian)

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley reportedly stated that the report done on the Darryl Smith matter ‘cannot be made available to third parties’. The reason offered is that the three-member team responsible for the report ‘[…] came to a conclusion negatively about Mr Smith without talking to him’.

FIXIN’ T&T calls on Ms Jackie Wilson, Ms Foulade Mutota and Ms Elaine Greene to urgently and immediately address this damning allegation made by Dr Rowley. The three-member team must  unequivocally clarify whether:

  1. Mr Smith was interviewed at any point during its investigation and before its report was produced;
  2. Mr Smith was offered/provided the opportunity to be interviewed at any time during its investigation. If yes, what was the outcome? If no, why not?

Natural justice dictates that a person accused must be given the opportunity to be heard and present his/her case.

It is reasonable to assume that Ms Wilson, Ms Mutota and Ms Greene, given their respective backgrounds, are competent persons familiar with the ‘laws of natural justice’.

Photo: Former Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs and Diego Martin Central MP Darryl Smith.
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