The testimony of Mr Chuck Blazer that he and other FIFA executives conspired to and received bribes for several years to ‘fix’ aspects of world football, along with revelations of cheques paid to Ross Advertising by Mr Jack Warner in the run up to the elections of 2010 dictates that the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service immediately launch investigations to determine whether any Money Laundering Laws have been breached and by whom.
This situation demands an urgent probe into the source of funding for among other things:
The political campaign of the Peoples’ Partnership in the run up to the 2010 general elections;
The campaign of the Kamla Persad-Bissessar-led slate in the run up to the UNC’s internal elections of 2010;
The PP’s campaign in the run up to the Tobago House of Assembly elections in 2013;
The Independent Liberal Party’s (ILP) campaign in the run up to the Chaguanas West bi-election of 2013;
The ILP’s campaign in the run up to the Local Government elections of 2013;
Monies, if any, paid to Ross Advertising during and in respect to the aforementioned campaigns;
If it is found after a thorough and transparent investigation that FIFA funds were used in any of the above, the repercussions for this country may not merely be restricted to reputational damage. But can, in all probability, result in criminal proceedings against persons who now hold or once held high political office.
Fixin T&T’s mission is the realization of good governance to achieve healthy, holistic, and fulfilling lifestyles for all citizens through the study, promotion, and furtherance of strong democratic institutions; sound infrastructure; integrity in public and corporate affairs; and a culture of respect by all for the laws and regulations of the country to create a safe, secure, efficient and productive Trinidad & Tobago.
Rusty Ross gets Rosy contracts!
They better had be. Certainly won’t want Tim Kee as my Treasurer.
I hope Rowley and the PNM are paying attention.
I would not even buy insurance from the man.
All before he knew nothing but he now knows.Damn hypocrisy.
Tim Kee is no whistle blower. He was VP TTFF,clothed with the responsibility to ensure that money was to be properly used for the sport.He had a fiduciary duty so stop talking utter garbage. He ensured JW did shit and he allowed the shit to flow.This is no issue of PP vs PNM .This is simply right vs wrong.He is Unfit to be President of TTFA and the Mayor.Simple.
Y fixin t & t dont ask for emailgate results .allyu pnm bastards .
Just now Vish go clock een fuh he shift!
No argument there Joann Charles. Tim Kee hasn’t been receiving any favours from me. And he should expect none. Same goes for any crooked politician who crosses my path, no matter which party.
I can’t be expected to dig in every ministry. But I will always have my eye on sport.
I tell yuh these minions only power up dey devices when dey ready tuh puhm, and when dey done dey does bunx!
The man may not have stole a dinnermint but he was part of the TTFF when the candy store was being stolen. He is on record as saying the only reason he left the TTFF was because he is PNM and Jack was UNC. He was apart of the TTFF that gave the socawarriors 5000 TT as their share of the bonus. So Jack is a capital K crook Tim Key is a comon k crook but still a crook.
I can tell you that as far back as 2001, whenever Basdeo Panday and Jack Warner ate lobster in Salybia, the bill turned up at the TTFA for them to pay.
So Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s protestations and that of Prakash and the rest are so ridiculous that it is laughable and they might as well hold up an Onion article to support their statements too.
Susan Jurawan, you haven’t mentioned UNC’s involvement in this once. But your party does invite ridicule with such nonsense.
Joann, what ‘fall out’ should Tim Kee the PNM should be mindful of? You realize Tim Kee went to and returned from Switzerland, right? He’s not a subject here. Don’t get roped in with Susan and their attempts to distract from the issue.
But Susan if Jack has no information that he funded the UNC with FIFA money, you must then realize that Tim Kee did nothing wrong because he would have then no proof of Jack and UNC wrongdoing?
Yuh kinda all over the flicking place woth yuh comments.
Better yuh didn’t say nothing!
Any fall out from Tim Key the PNM buy wholesale.