“[…] What the Honourable Minister was doing was violating and interfering in the Judicial process by conducting a trial in the public and convicting my daughter in the court of public opinion and therefore prematurely and pre-emptively interfering with the judicial process by creating public prejudice and condemning my daughter …
Read More »TTPS start home surveillance as Covid-19 positive persons breach quarantine, 108 new cases today
Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith revealed today that the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) will utilise its fleet of 85 Emergency Response Patrol (ERP) vehicles as well as patrols in all nine divisions to ensure Covid-19 patients do not violate home quarantine orders. The measure was announced today by …
Read More »Dear editor: Is this 21st century parenting? Odai and Samantha Ramischand owe me an apology
“[…] I can see my poor mother now, picking up the rotary phone and dialling the Ministry of Health to try to speak with the minister so she could personally apologise to him. And then she’d shove the phone in my hand to do the same. “This is after she …
Read More »Noble: The sound of a dying democracy; the problem with Bayside party exchange
One can be forgiven for mistaking last week’s public quarrel as the harmless flaring of tempers. It is not. The sound we heard is the whimpering sound of our dying democracy. Like 1990’s guns and fiery fury, this unseemly quarrel is one more corrosive chipping away of our long-standing political …
Read More »Major Gen Brown: Griffith showed ‘total disrespect’ to prime minister and should ‘rethink’ or resign
“[…] My concern here is not for the legalities of the issue at hand—I leave that for the lawyers—but for the total disrespect shown for the Office of the Prime Minister. “I am certain that Commissioner [Gary] Griffith was not taught to be disrespectful of authority at the prestigious Sandhurst …
Read More »‘PM threw police under the bus!’ Griffith fires back at ‘disappointing’ Rowley over Bayside party
“[…] If the GORTT wishes to have enforcement of the regulations on private property and inside persons homes, they need to amend the legislation or provide new legislation that would allow the police clear and unambiguous authority to do what the prime minister has insinuated should be done. “The prime …
Read More »Dr Rowley maintains restrictions but hints at improvements, encouraged by TKR success
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley confirmed today that current public health restrictions will stay in place until 11 October, as a means of thwarting the spread of the novel coronavirus. Those measures include: the limiting of public gatherings to five persons, as well as no in-house dining, drinking, contact sport, …
Read More »“Stop looking at race and look at logic’! Griffith defends TTPS response to Bayside party
Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith tried to turn the table on persons critical of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service’s handling of a pool party in Bayside Towers, by suggesting that they were the ones with a ‘hang-up’ on race and class—and not his lawmen. On Sunday, a Bayside resident …
Read More »Deyalsingh suggests Bayside party fell outside health regulations; T&T has 102 new Covid-19 cases
Minister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh suggested that a pool party at the Bayside Towers in Cocorite, where a group of more than five people were seen frolicking without masks, might fall outside the public health ordinance. Residents said the party-goers within the gated community, refused to disperse when advised to …
Read More »Young explains ‘liberalised exemption policy’ for returning nationals; MoH reveals 102 more positives and additional death
Minister of National Security Stuart Young said today that the government is ready to roll out its ‘liberalised exemption policy’, to allow nationals ‘stranded’ abroad to return home. Thus far, the government has offered travel exemptions for 3,563 persons, while there are still another 2,500-odd requests to return—with 1,702 applications …
Read More »‘A chance to show our discipline’, AG defends masks in private vehicles and children fines
Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi has defended amendments to the public health ordinance, which put children over eight years old and families in their private vehicles at risk of hefty fines for not wearing masks. The measures, which became legally enforceable on Monday, received some public pushback. However, at this morning’s …
Read More »Covid counter: Four deaths in 24 hours; and 1,274 positive cases since 10 August!
Trinidad Tobago lost two more persons to Covid-19 today, as the Ministry of Health confirmed another two deaths—after declaring two this morning, for a total of four fatalities in the last 24 hours. One deceased patient was described as ‘an elderly male with co-morbidities’ while the second was an adult …
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