Covid-19: T&T tally climbs to 194, with 44 local cases in second wave

The Ministry of Health confirmed two new positive cases of Covid-19 tonight, which takes Trinidad and Tobago’s total to 194 cases since the onset of the pandemic. Both cases were described as ‘contacts of recently positive Covid-19 patients’.

At present, the twin island republic has 51 active patients who are hospitalised for the novel coronavirus. There have been 44 infections within the nation’s borders over the past 16 days—compared to 50 cases in 31 days during the first wave of the virus.

Image: Taking the fight to Covid-19…

The Ministry of Health reminds members of the public to:

  • Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when you go out in public;
  • Keep your distance from others (six feet);
  • Stay home if you are ill;
  • Clean then sanitise surfaces, such as tabletops, door knobs and cell phones;
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based sanitiser;
  • Cough into a tissue or into the crook of your elbow;
  • Avoid touching your face.

Persons are urged to call Covid-19 hotline numbers: 800-WELL (Trinidad) and 800-HEAL (Tobago) if they feel unwell; or they can report a possible breach of Covid-19 regulations by calling 555, or sending messages—inclusive of photographs and videos—to the Police App or via Whats App to 482-GARY.

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One comment

  1. There is likely to be a much bigger spike in the weeks ahead. I see stupid people without masks piling together in Political motorcade truck trays, 15-20 at a time. Why do we continue to be so selfish in this country.
    Lots of people seem to only be concerned with themselves doing as they wish. If others die as a result, so be it, not their concern. Even putting elderly persons in their family at risk.

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