“What protocol or procedure did TTFA/you employ to identify the coaches now working in said youth programme, i.e. specifically, were the positions advertised and was application open to all interested parties?
“[What are] the names of all companies/parties which submitted construction/professional bids in connection with said construction… [and] the name of the project manager, the contractor and any sub-contractors engaged in the project?
“[…] What measures does the Referee Department employ with delinquent referees, e.g. those who do not adequately attend training sessions, and/or pass examinations, or those who are not responding successfully to match day assessment and guidance?”
The following is a list of questions on the operations of the local football body submitted by TTSL president and new Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) board member, Keith Look Loy, to TTFA general secretary Justin Latapy-George, past and present technical directors Muhammad Isa and Anton Corneal and referees committee head Wayne Caesar—and copied to TTFA president David John-Williams—on 26 December, 2017 and either 7 or 10 January, 2018.
Request for information on TTFA technical programmes and National Teams
Dear Sirs,
I was inducted as a TTFA Board member on Saturday 23 December and I obviously lack information on several key areas of TTFA work. Accordingly, I am reaching out to you for information with the following questions:
- Does TTFA have a long-term technical development plan?
- Who are the coaches engaged in TTFA youth programme?
- What protocol or procedure did TTFA/you employ to identify the coaches now working in said youth programme, i.e. specifically, were the positions advertised and was application open to all interested parties?
- Do these coaches have contracts?
- Who assesses the work of these coaches?
- Are these coaches required to submit a periodic training and development plan? If so, to whom?
- Are these coaches required to submit period reports on their work? If so, to whom?
- Is the TTFA Technical Committee functional? Does it supervise TTFA’s technical work?
- Is there a national Under-20 men’s team in training, or plans to establish one?
- Who are the (proposed) staff of this team?
- Does TTFA intend to establish an Under-23 team?
- What plans does TTFA have regarding the women’s national teams, both age-group and senior?
- Does TTFA have a long-term coach education plan/programme? If so, I would appreciate a copy.
Other questions may arise but I trust that you will appreciate my position in my search for relevant information in order to ensure I represent TTSL properly in the TTFA Board.
I thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Best regards.
Keith Look Loy
TTSL representative to the TTFA Board
Request for information on TTFA technical centre project
Justin Latapy
Dear Sir,
As a new TTFA Board member, I obviously lack intimate knowledge of key areas of TTFA work, programmes and projects. Accordingly, I have decided to seek relevant information in several areas, one of which is the technical centre now under construction in Balmain.
I would appreciate information re: the following:
- The contribution of FIFA, TTFA and Government to the project and the overall project budget.
- The names of all companies/parties which submitted construction/professional bids in connection with said construction.
- The TTFA body or personnel which/who selected the contractor and any sub-contractors now engaged on the project.
- The name of the project manager.
- The name of the contractor and any sub-contractors engaged in the project.
- The quantum, duration and terms of all project contracts.
- The current financial and construction status of the project.
Clearly, your response would be appreciated prior to the January 2018 Board meeting.
I thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Best regards.
Keith Look Loy
TTSL Representative to the TTFA Board
Request for information on TTFA referee programme
Wayne Caesar
Dear Sir,
I was inducted into the TTFA Board on Saturday 23 December and I am obviously lacking in intimate knowledge of certain aspects of Association activity and programmes. Accordingly, I hereby seek information on TTFA’s referee programme via responses to the following questions:
- How many referees and assistant referees are registered with the Referee Department?
- What are the numbers counted in each group in each category of referee?
- How many FIFA referees and assistant referees does the TTFA have?
- How does this number compare to past years?
- How does the Referee Department proceed with referee recruitment? How effective is aid programme and what are the issues affecting it?
- How many referee instructors and assessors does the Referee Department employ or use?
- What is the frequency of and how effective is the referee training programme?
- How effective is the match-day referee assessment programme?
- What measures does the Referee Department employ with delinquent referees, e.g. those who do not adequately attend training sessions, and/or pass examinations, or those who are not responding successfully to match-day assessment and guidance?
- Are referees ever relegated to an inferior category for poor performance?
- Are referees insured against injury?
The next Board meeting will be held in January 2018 and I would appreciate your response prior to that so I could properly represent TTSL in said Board.
I thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Best regards.
Keith Look Loy
TTSL Representative to TTFA Board
Want to share your thoughts with Wired868? Email us at editor@wired868.com.
Please keep your letter between 300 to 600 words and be sure to read it over first for typos and punctuation.
We don’t publish anonymously unless there is a good reason, such as an obvious threat of harassment or job loss.
Lasana – Thought you were an investigative reporter. Like you give up on the prefix?
What do you do when loyalty to your employer and duty to your client conflict? That means, figuring out what ethical duties apply to you?One would claim it is your professional responsibility to protect the identity of your “client”.
Cliff sometimes people give information off the record because they don’t believe their boss is taking the company on the right path.
There is a difference between that and Jesus. An investigative reporter needs people close to the action who are willing to talk. Jesus knows everything. Lol.
I have found out plenty. But none I can share in public forum yet because the burden of proof is on me.
When “stakeholders” get answers to the questions;What would be the course of action?
Depends on the answers
If you are asking question of your organisation , then one presupposes that you know the answers . There must be a plan ! If not ,then don’t do it just to be noticed . You would be perceived as having a hidden agenda.
I don’t ask questions when I already know answers. Not sure who does, really
I do. Old journalism trick. Lol. When I ring you up to ask something, you best believe I’m looking at the answers as I speak.
Ok.. not us laymen
Lasana, doh call me and ask me nutten eh.
Lol. A friendly inquiry different to an on-the-record question! 🙂
Interesting insight!
Imperatives for Change- A Manifesto for the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association 2015-2019
Page 3 ” Our Pledge”
1. To improve the image of the TTFA by enhancing its credibility through transparency.
2. To lead TTFA through the stages in transforming it into a new TTFA, hence redefining its vision, mission, core values and outlining its operational principles.
3. To incorporate leading football nationals in assisting local bodies with the creation of the a Football Council.
4. To conduct the activities of the TTFA at all levels in a manner that I’d consistent with the highest ethical and moral standards of Trinidad and Tobago Football and the world at large.
5. To foster a professional approach to football in Trinidad and Tobago.
Hear we are nearly 3 years later, a member of the Board has to have multiple requests for rudimentary documentation. All Boards I have ever served provide an orientation package with a list of relevant documents relating to matters that may require my immediate vote or of magnitude to the organization. The relevant question is why does Keith Look Loy have to make these request?
If is so fuh he, what fuh wi?
..My two requests for information have not received the respect of even an acknowledgment. My two requests for an agenda have gone without response.
Talk about transparency is cheap, manifesto ole talk without meaningful action. TTFA is shrouded in secrecy and corrupted by a culture of disrespect for members, which too many representatives of said members allow and accept. I will not accept that. I am asking for information that should be public, in any event. Thank God for Wired..
..I should clarify that both Corneal and Caesar directed me to the Board. I then re-directed my requests to them to the General Secretary, who has studiousy avoided acknowledging all three of my messages to him..
Please continue to press for this information that rightly should be in the public domain. All who care about TT football locally and foreign should see the value regardless of whether they support or do not the current administration.
.. I will. But I am astonished that both Corneal and Caesar, employees of TTFA and heads of department, should balk at providing basic information requested by a Board member and should direct him to….THE BOARD. Ludicrous. But this is the culture of TTFA..
People with something to hide
It’s a pressure play. They do that on the NAAA and then behind your back they say “we go fix he”
Lasana – Can we get a few stories on the Home of Football? Some got substrate in the above video for you to report on. Heard stuff about naming rights etc.
For now, everything is hush hush and rumours. Haven’t been able to get much beyond that as yet.
Hmmm – I’m surprised TTFA is hesitant to share such potentially positive news.
Carlos they have shared what they wanted to, which is that they worked out deal with Govt and fifa and work is underway.
But there have been no details. And not only for the media but clearly for other football stakeholders too.
Such a bummer.
Another public relations opportunity spurned under a cloud of secrecy. Seems like this is their M.O.
Carlos you forget that DJW literally said he prefers to move in silence and everyone just wait to see what he does. That was in a response to a question from me.
Fazeer Mohammed took him to task for it at the time.
The results on the field show a disaster is unfolding at every level before our eyes
The corrupted Jack Warner and his cronies also charted their own course and Alyuh see what happened at the end eh, he became a millionaire because of all the corruption eh and if it wasn’t for Mr. Jennings and Mr. Live Wire who both finally exposed his tail Alyuh wudda never know the kind of millions and properties that he owns eh and hence the reason why the white plane will be coming for him to take him back to my second sweetest country to face the courts and then plenty jail time for money laundering the US currency and other fraudalent business eh, so alyuh continue to let my president do his thing in silence. Them really good yes
This is exactly counter to the platform he ran on, so he baited and switched
But Darryl Smith went and visit de Home of Football de other day and gave de TTFA a thumbs up. Dat eh good enough for allyuh? LOL.
if yuh reheat ah stale piece of kfc………..would that make it come back fresh??? and if yuh put ah ham in the oven will it come out as a duck???is fresh food we need Lasana Liburd………..but where we getting that…………and please doh say foreign we eh have currency for dat…..
Buh how come when Keith Look Loy was part of the corrupted TTFA eh under the corrupted Jack Warner and his cronies eh he never asked those questions and made certaim that they all was implemented so that in these present times our football wouldn’t be in this mess eh I guess back then he was only seeking his personal interest , oh well it still isn’t later nah, so continue to expose them until this whole madness is finally fixed eh Keith Look Loy Them really good yes
Not looking like we want to go forward at all Mango..
And there so much natural talent and potential that we can if only the correct things are done eh for the beautiful game and our sweet country the same way that it is always done in my second sweetest country and all the other real football nations
Them really good yes.
Keith look loy deal with dem!!!!!
Brian – that wasn’t clear to me in the article.
It’s in there. Sent in December and again first week in January.
I see. When I read the article initially I thought the three individual letters were sent to the respective groups on different dates. However, another read seems to indicate that the letters were sent out on December 26th, then again on January 7th or 8th. Submitting a letter on Dec 26th *(during the Christmas holidays) and expecting a response within a week is obviously not reasonable. However, one would expect that he would have gotten some type of response by now, even if it’s to say your letter was received.
Quote of the day by Jamaica U-20 coach and Real Colorado executive director of coaching, Lorne Donaldson:
“Who knows, if we had some camps, who knows what more we could have gotten out of them?” Donaldson said rhetorically. “We have players who will fight and they showed that tonight [but] I never know [what the next step is]. We go day-by-day in Jamaica. We are known for that in the Caribbean.
“There are countries who go year-by-year and we go day-by-day. Right now, I don’t know where we will go from here.”
Carlos, seems like the communication was sent twice to the TTFA administration and it doesn’t seem to have been responded to on either occassion. Not sure why it could not be shared at this point??
Junior – Interesting that you’re always trying to muzzle me. Like we have something personal? Why can’t individuals express their points of view on this forum without fear of being attacked or being called bias? The last time I check this was a forum to debate and discuss all things football. Lasana – has the intent of this forum changed? Must all thoughts align with a few individuals?
All opinions are welcome and diversity of opinion is good Carlos.
I think periodic reminders should be issued.
I didn’t see anything that qualifies as abuse but definitely let me know if anything does cross the line…
No muzzle pardna. Yuh know I is yuh bredda from long time. However, seems you have a personal with KLL (imo). Yes, you may have issues with his way, but when he is making relevant inquiries of reasonable statements we should be grown enough to let the personal feelings about an individual go man. That is all my issue.
Sometimes, I get stick from people in this forum. I take my stick and cool it. But, meh brother (as I see you as such), if I offended you, I sincerely apologize. No offense intended. Peace.
Junior – I think you should re-read my comment. I specifically said those questions are all reasonable questions for a new board member. What I disagreed with is the public sharing. Your assumption about me having a personal thing with KLL is obviously clouding how you interpret my comments. You will never have a well functioning team if each member goes public with every discussion item, especially the ones they disagree with. However, if your desire is for a chaotic team, with a bunch of bachanalists, then so be it.
get a bodyguard
We the public are stakeholders in Trinidad Football. We need to know what has happened, is happening, and what is planned for future. Carlos ease we up with yuh bs nah! We tired see yuh petticoat!
.. Very good..
The public have a right to see the responses to these questions and many others that arise. Haiti is by FAR the poorest country in the Caribbean, but their Ladies U 20 team is far better prepared than ours. They are using FIFA funding. What are we doing with ours?
None of our teams are properly prepared. Is it that funding for development and youth preparation from FIFA is being used to pay useless administrative staff? That is another question that needs to be answered.
All reasonable questions for a new board member. Does it need to be discussed / shared with the media? No!
The public has a right to know. The media has a right to publish the answers as stated. It’s some of the public tax dollars that fund T&T sports.
Good question. A better question is: does it need to be discussed with the board and the members? Because like those issues aren’t coming up on any forum
Light de fire KLL!