Trinidad Guardian energy reporter Curtis Williams is the new president of the Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago (MATT) after being voted in by the majority of his media colleagues in today’s election, which was held at TSTT’s video conferencing rooms in Port of Spain and San Fernando.

Williams, who is also the Caribbean correspondent for the Oil and Gas Journal, edged out WIN TV editor Sheldon Yearwood by 35 votes to 31 while Anil Goorahoo was the third presidential candidate.
Seventy-four media workers voted at today’s MATT election, which was put on by the interim committee of Sunity Maharaj, Faine Richards, Kayode James and Lasana Liburd. For the first time, the election was conducted by secret ballot on the advice of the majority of the members present.
The full MATT executive voted in today is: Curtis Williams (president), Khamal Georges (vice-president), Akash Samaroo (secretary), Omatie Lyder (assistant secretary), Carla Bridglal (treasurer), Richard Charan and Jabari Fraser (floor members).

(Bottom row left to right) Omatie Lyder and Carla Bridglal.
Missing is Richard Charan.
They replace the outgoing MATT Executive headed by president Suzanne Sheppard and vice-president Judy Raymond, who resigned after become embroiled in a scandal within the Trinidad Guardian newspaper, where they both work.
The other media workers who contested executive positions today are:
Anil Goorahoo, Sheldon Yearwood (president); Wayne Bowman, Sampson Nanton, Sunil Ramdeen, James Saunders (vice-president); Kalifa Clyne, Acshah Gulston, Paula Lindo, Anil Seerattan (assistant secretary); Cindy Raghubar (treasurer); Joel Julien (floor member).
Karen Cozier Phillip was absent from the election but contested the position of treasurer while Nathalie Chrysostom and Kwesi Hopkinson (both also absent) challenged for positions as floor members.

The new MATT executive is expected to meet privately for the first time on Tuesday afternoon.
Editor’s Note: Click here to read more about the MATT candidates.

Lasana Liburd is the managing director and chief editor at and a journalist with over 20 years experience at several Trinidad and Tobago and international publications including Play the Game, World Soccer, UK Guardian and the Trinidad Express.