“I’m aware that part of our culture is to criticise and sometimes to trivialise. But this is not the time. The time now is to rise above that way of life and to fight against this unseen enemy that is causing overwhelming death. We must be less critical and adhere …
Read More »Dear editor: CAL customers need independent body to investigate service complaints
“If Caribbean Airlines truly wishes to pride itself on the service it offers, what can be the objection to ensuring transparency and accountability in its operations, so that there is a proper avenue afforded to a dissatisfied passenger to speak to an appropriate representative and have access to any prepared …
Read More »Dear Editor: Not all misinformation is politically motivated
“A time of crisis is not the time to paint the spread of misinformation as political. Concern about the spread of misinformation, though, is valid. This is more so during a time of crisis, such as the current Covid-19 pandemic, as it can seriously undermine efforts to contain the threat. …
Read More »Dear Editor: Kudos to ‘a leader of considerable courage, wisdom, and grit’
“[…] A decision to shut down a nation can never be taken lightly or without consideration of the variety of implications, coordination of the various governmental functions, and severe inconvenience to the population. “But he delivered the decisions of his government with such equanimity, calmness and poise, he instantly transformed …
Read More »PM condemns Persad-Bissessar for urging Ghana to ignore his energy advice
“What should be of great concern to all the decent right-thinking citizens of Trinidad and Tobago is whether there is no limit beneath which some persons not sink in their quest for political power even if it means destroying the wider national interest. “This is a serious question for the …
Read More »‘A unique light gone too soon…’ Remembering Cordielle Street
“Loved by many, confidante to most, Cordielle’s was a unique light gone too soon… Cordielle was fearless, beautiful, and feisty. With strong moral compass, she lived a life of integrity and had little patience for games…” The following is a eulogy by former TV6 producer Caroline Onikute to close friend, journalist …
Read More »Dear Editor: Erosion of bail rights for gun possession could be first step on slippery slope
“People never seem to think that a breach of the rights of even one individual, means that that breach can apply to all. It is why the judiciary so staunchly defends the rights of even the most depraved of society…” The following Letter to the Editor on proposed amendments to …
Read More »Dear Editor: Is the PNM improperly manipulating the THA’s membership?
“If my understanding is correct, and the Act provides for the election of three councillors by ‘secondary elections’ via secret ballot by existing members of the THA, I am left to wonder at Mrs Tracy Celestine-Davidson’s reported assertion to the press that she ‘will become one of those councillors with …
Read More »Dear Editor: ‘Iron sharpeneth iron’! Dishonest politicians created a ‘bandit factory’
“Today, because of greed, every institution in our twin island Republican nation is in a state of collapse, through neglect and lack of the necessary resources to maintain them. Yet we choose to bury our heads in the sand like the ostrich, and pretend that we are not living in …
Read More »TTPS urged to investigate makers of claim that UNC funding crime to destabilise country
“In this video, Samuel Stafford stated: ‘The UNC has a bunch of businessmen…. there are certain high profile businessmen in UNC [trying] to keep the crime rate up and destabilise the country…’ “[…] Given that this is an election year such an offensive statements appear designed to inflame political and racial …
Read More »Cockroaches must stay out fowl business! T&T Shia Muslims condemn Trump but pledge peaceful approach
“Based on our faith and understanding of Islam, we are sworn to the protection of the realm of Trinidad and Tobago and to peaceful coexistence with persons of all faiths… “The AIATT—nor any Shia Muslim organisation or person of Trinidad and Tobago as far as we can tell—[is not] a …
Read More »Baptiste-Primus: NEDCO’s Business Accelerator encourages new type of entrepreneur
“Competitiveness will depend, to a large extent, on the ability of firms and our people to innovate. We need to encourage a new kind of entrepreneur in Trinidad and Tobago—resourceful individuals who can draw from their creative genius and give birth to new products and services and rather than merely …
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