Guest Columns

Amnesty Int’nl accuses T&T gov’t of human rights violation and ‘xenophobia’ in mass deportation of Venezuelans

“[…] To deport Venezuelan refugees back to the human rights and humanitarian emergency that they were fleeing, in the middle of a pandemic, is an outrageous violation of the obligations that Trinidad and Tobago has committed to under international law. “[…] The authorities of Trinidad and Tobago are pushing a …

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Roget accused of ‘inciting racial hatred’ against media; JTUM: It was ‘class critique’ not race

The Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago (MATT) today referred Joint Trade Union Movement (JTUM) leader Ancel Roget to the Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) for ‘racist remarks directed towards certain members of the media fraternity’ during a JTUM press conference at Paramount Building, San Fernando on 4 August. Roget, while …

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Kangalee: Why capitalism is the new slavery; and emancipation revolution remains unfinished

“[…] The very prosperity that slavery brought to British capital was to eventually make slavery redundant. The capital accumulated throughout slavery led to investments in science, technology and engineering, created the industrial revolution, brought into being productive forces based on machinery, speeded up the process of proletarianisation of the British …

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