“[…] For some children, reading happens naturally, but that’s not the case for a lot of children. “A simple rule like English words can’t end in the letter ‘v’ will teach children to spell so many words [like] ‘have’, ‘above’, ‘give’, ‘live’…” Wired868 highlights the day-to-day lives of everyday Trinbagonians in …
Read More »Remembering Teacher Percy and our journey into education
Bring back the old-time days… Do you remember the primary school days when we sat in the dusty school yard under the tambrand, tree, the downs tree, the immortelle tree, the padoo tree, or whatever tree that was in the yard while teacher Percy preached hellfire and brimstone and brought …
Read More »Thompson: “He knew every inch of Territory QRC”—a man called Patrick White
I woke up one morning a few weeks ago to news that dulled the effulgence of the light that usually comes over a city like Madrid in early June. A message from my brother that Patrick White had died. “At school when we were all students it seemed normal,” my …
Read More »Best: Why a teacher-led classroom is still a locus of a lot of learning
Like the archer’s arrow into the flame cauldron at the Barcelona Olympics, it sailed out into the arena from beneath the old wooden scoreboard at the Queen’s Park Oval. It’s a Shell Shield game. Inshan Ali, the left-arm unorthodox spinner who first made the national team as a teenager, has …
Read More »The cost of marginalising Tech-Voc Education (Pt 3): corporal punishment, “weak” students and loss of teacher time
“In the old 10%-entering-secondary-school days, some schools allowed students to follow an accelerated four-year programme to take the external examination. “Would it not make sense to have a similar programme which provides six or maybe even seven years as the norm to cater for the weaker students or, alternatively, have …
Read More »Killing ’em with class; why bad teaching can be fatal
The academic rule of thumb states that if you’re good at science and mathematics, you’re supposed to suck at languages. And the reverse also applies. I guess I’m the exception that tests the rule since, at the tertiary level institution where I am still a student, I am able to …
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