What do Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s rebuke of the civil servants and the closure of Chaguanas’ MovieTowne have in common? Are these connected to the car tax exemptions furore? Why is there chatter about the foreign exchange rate and fear of liquidity and solvency for businesses and our government …
Read More »IEA: Low oil prices threaten ‘weaker producing countries’, but policy makers are working on fix
“[…] The measures announced by OPEC+ and the G20 countries won’t rebalance the market immediately. But by lowering the peak of the supply overhang and flattening the curve of the build-up in stocks, they help a complex system absorb the worst of this crisis, whose consequences for the oil market …
Read More »Why Imbert must stand firm for the sake of our future economic development
“Thanks to State intervention in almost every sector of the economy over the years, we have developed and enjoyed a comfortable standard of living subsidised by the State… That has provided real opportunities for many as well as lifted large segments of the population out of poverty. “However, it has …
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