Brent Sancho

Brent Sancho is the Minister of Sport and a UNC Senator. He is also the former CEO of Pro League football club, Central FC. He made 42 international appearances for the Trinidad and Tobago national football team, including three at the Germany 2006 World Cup.

Finnish Football changed my life

It seems like only yesterday that I got a call from the team manager of my former football club in Queens, New York asking me if I would like to go on trial with a team in Finland. It was actually 1999. Now what made this request especially strange is …

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Brent on success

The reason I have and still continue to attend each court date, is to not only witness for myself the audaciousness of key figures like Mr. Warner, Mr. Camps and Mr. Groden but also in hope that Judge Rampersad puts an end to this fiasco. Arghhh another early rise; it’s …

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