“[…] I have no problem with Angus Eve being given an extension. Clearly, he may have had to work the upcoming game against Canada without a contract.
“But, if Robert Hadad had any intention of leaving the eventual choice to the incoming board, would the length of contract be for almost two years? […]”
The following Letter to the Editor on the Fifa-appointed Normalisation Committee’s decision to renew the contract of Men’s National Senior Team head coach Angus Eve for two years—despite supposedly being three months away from a TTFA election—was submitted to Wired868 by Sports Fan of Petit Valley:

(Copyright Daniel Prentice/ Wired868)
The Fifa-appointed Normalisation Committee continues to show its true colours. Clearly, this committee has done nothing without being instructed by Fifa. The only exceptions might be the appointments of different personnel including, maybe, the choice of person for trustee.
Let me preface by saying, in the circumstances, I have no problem with Angus Eve being given an extension. Clearly, he may have had to work the upcoming game against Canada without a contract.
But, if Robert Hadad had any intention of leaving the eventual choice to the incoming board, would the length of contract be for almost two years?

(Copyright Daniel Prentice/ Wired868)
Even if the committee has included a clause for termination due to dissatisfaction, the achievements to be gained would not have been stipulated by the new board.
After stating that Fifa doesn’t provide money to associations to pay debts, it’s probably the same Fifa which gave the loan to do same—which of course, the new board will have to repay.
So far only Hadad and company know the terms of repayment. The hidden caveat might be: Vote Infantino!
So now I sit back to watch my national team park the bus and wait for the second half, if we’re lucky, for the coach to send on players who are more expressive and attacking. The only time there’s been a difference was when we had nothing to lose in the last game against the US.

Photo: Daniel Prentice/ Wired868
It has always seemed to me, not that the players lack confidence, but the coach lacks confidence in his players.
Want to share your thoughts with Wired868? Email us at editor@wired868.com.
Please keep your letter between 300 to 600 words and be sure to read it over first for typos and punctuation.
We don’t publish anonymously unless there is a good reason, such as an obvious threat of harassment or job loss.
Short, sweet and right on point.
We should perhaps get used to the idea that the Normalisation Committee is the norm for Trinidad football…at least until world football rids itself, perhaps purges itself of Infantino and his ilk.
Well said.
I do agree with the writer. The Normalisation committee has shown great disrespect for the incoming board. The duration of the contract is too long and can put the incoming board under financial strain if they wish to terminate. This conflicts what what they were there for, that is financial management and prudence.
The writer himself has expressed conflicting statements , where he states ” I have no problem with Angus Eve being given an extension”. He then goes on to critique his coaching style of “parking the bus”.
The experts should know and find out by interview and assessment of performance who they deem fit for the position of Head Coach. I personally have identified some issues that lead me to think that Angus has potential but at this stage he is not astute enough to be Head Coach.
Thé committee has no intention of letting go it’s strangle hold on the football and it’s lack of interest in the game and just its financial benefits are glaring to us all now. Praying we still make WC2026 though.