Sport Minister Anil Roberts has reminded Wired868 of his Government’s “zero tolerance” approach to drugs in the wake of a controversial video, aired by TV6, which appeared to show a bald headed, loud-mouth Minister smoking marijuana and discussing rolling techniques in a motel room with some amiable females; none of whom were named “Mrs Roberts.”
“Zero tolerance is zero tolerance,” said Roberts, “you cannot say zero tolerance to domestic violence and then say it was just a slap or say zero tolerance to corruption, then say it was only $7,000 you thief.”

Roberts made it clear that cheating was reprehensible, although it is uncertain whether he was also referring to disloyalty in relationships.
“We do not cheat,” said the Sport Minister. “We live with class, we win with class, we lose with class…we have to send a message to our children…if you cheat, you are out.
“This is a dark mark on the history of T&T sport.”
But enough about Roberts’ view on 25-year-old Trinidad and Tobago sprinter Semoy Hackett, whom he blocked from State funding after she failed a drug test without even waiting for the relevant international body to examine her ‘B’ sample or the athlete to consider an appeal.
What does he think about ministers who share drugs with what might be prostitutes at motels with a history of being raided for human trafficking?
“You see me I can drink rum whole day and night,” said the Minister, as he boasted about his Cabinet credentials in the video, “but if I take two pull I gone through you know.”

Careful PM; that bald head gets around.
So after “gift grabbing” Jack, “breast poking” Glenn, “mistress pushing” Chandresh and the “cookalooks inspector” from Tobago; whatever is Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to do with her “two pull” minister?
And who exactly handles Tantee Kamla’s recruitment anyway? Mr Live Wire has seen more stringent riff-raff policies at whore houses.
So, how does the Sport Minister think the Prime Minister should treat with Minister Two Pull?
“(This) issue is a very serious one and it shows some negligence and irresponsibility and downright disregard for the reputation of Trinidad and Tobago, not only as a sporting nation but as a country with a proud history of tremendous achievements,” said Roberts. “To all of those who will like to sully the brand by doping or by exercising nefarious means to gains success, that will not be tolerated by this brand, this Government, by this ministry and this sport company…
“You embarrass your country, your family and future generations and we will not accept it in any form or fashion; because you will impact on our brand… T&T is the brand; the brand is the people.”

I feel if Michael Jackson was still here, he surety in charge of children sleepovers oui.
Well said, Roberts; it is an impassioned plea that should not be ignored. And Mr Live Wire expects that the Prime Minister will continue to restock her Cabinet as regularly as she does her, well, cabinet.
Mr Live Wire has another question for the public. Which is more dangerous for an impressionable child: sending them unsupervised to watch Spiderman (which comes with a PG rating) or leaving them for a day in Parliament for the next Youth Session?
No wonder school children are preparing for adult life with loads of casual sex; it is the only way to see your MP or apply for a HDC house these days.
Editor’s Note: Click HERE to see Minister Two Pull in action.
Mr. Live Wire is an avid news reader who translates media reports for persons who can handle the truth. And satire. Unlike Jack Nicholson, he rarely yells.
Bravo to spreading the information on a wider scale, however like “most” Trinis, talk is cheap, why would the govt change, why would they stop, because of allegations? Bribery? Scandal? All part and parcel of the govt for what has been forever and a day now, Trinis like to talk and talk, and talk, and talk, talking has resolved nothing because as Trinis we love to talk about everything and once we have had our say we sit back and commit to little or no action. Sport Minister smoke some weed, yes we all are more than aware this is terribly wrong and should not happen or have happened, now who is he going to answer to? Kamla? Rowley? please, more political mish mash that will lead to again, little to no action. He should effectively be suspended until further investigation permits the truth, if he was doing something illegal and found to be doing so then it should be a simple pay the penalty associated and relieve him of his duties unceremoniously and with disgrace. Stueps, don’t even know why i bothered typing anything, if you happen to read this, stop reading and go do something for your country!
Remember he is a coach, his charges may not use but he can!
is true there’s a few more of them waiting 2b caught
d i’s have it
Fire the bastards all of them.
What are we really showing the young folks? Come on Anil be accountable for your actions and stop the nonsense. He’s always accusing others of wrongdoing and now there is further evidence of guilty actions and he stills blames others. SMH.
Since 2013 he patronizing room 201, ask Marlene Mc. Donald. Hahahaha
So he have to look so in public? Real disgrace boy smfh
Mr. Minister… Sports and drugs aren’t suppose to mix! You should know better!
Minister two pull!!!!!! Hahaha hahaha. I weak with that one
That is a face of a drug user yes. Anil really good yes.
Uhmmm and what’s with the weedy, inebriated red eyes?
That semen,sorry Seamen’s hotel again?
I wonder if he willing to do a random drug test if it is not him? From what I hear, he would happily admit to it being “only” weed if they start to test that sample.
Newsflash: Anil Roberts said it wasn’t him; despite the fact that his big baldhead is like a fingerprint!
(Excerpt from press conference)
Anil Roberts: I categorically deny that that figure was me rolling marijuana and cavorting with prostitutes at the Classic Seamen Hotel.
Mr Live Wire: But, Honourable Minister, no one said anything about the Classic Seamen Hotel…
Kim…not a percentage….all of it! Should be retroactive….you have done it again Lasana. .an enjoyable read…talk about someone’s words come back to bite them in their arse! Lol!
Wait a min he is the minister that married the young girl.
There’s not a shred of evidence the ladies were prostitutes though. Ok?
Not in the video. Granted. I do remember a tale at the Classic Seamen motel though…
That’s exactly it- moral standards have substituted for legal standards, which vary according to the lawyers. We can’t trust what we know anymore. Madness. It started with ” bring the evidence”