“[…] So why should Darryl Smith not be applauded on Fathers’ Day? […] Does his ministerial indiscretion of some years ago automatically exclude him from being a good father? “[…] Ms Dennise Demming’s moral outrage against the Guardian for their temerity, and her seeming inability to say to Mr Smith …
Read More »Dear Editor: When did Darryl Smith transform himself into a model father? What was Guardian thinking?
“[…] In less than five years, former Minister of Sport Darryl Smith moved from being fired for interfering in the public service while still being actively investigated for sexual harassment to being proclaimed among the recognized fathers of our land. “[…] What is the message being sent to men in …
Read More »Dear Editor: Trinidad and Tobago will benefit by better valuing our fathers
“[…] This apathy is societal, in which the positive impacts of involved fathers are ignored. And we do not seem to care to make any necessary changes to this for the benefit of our society. “Jamaica recently introduced a clear paternity leave policy. In T&T… nothing—3 or 4 days in …
Read More »Father’s Day reflection: today’’s dads, yesterday’s granddads and different attitudes to the three Rs
Back in the 1970’s and 80’s, there was a Family Planning Association (FPA) bumper sticker which reminded the world that “The challenge is not in becoming a father but in being one.” After all, all it takes to have a child is a little rudeness, a little luck, (good or …
Read More »Thanks Pa: Raffique Shah’s moving tribute to his late father, Haniff
Fathers like mine—ordinary men who are barely literate in most instances and worked hard to provide for their families—are remembered only by their immediate families and maybe some friends and people in the communities in which they lived and died. In a society where success is measured by materialism or …
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