Acting Police Commissioner Stephen Williams yesterday officially recognised three highway patrolmen, Inspector David Knutt and constables Eric Sealey and Joel Cassie, for excellent service on the job last weekend.
In the wee hours of Sunday morning, Knutt, Sealey and Cassie were suspicious when they noticed two men parked at the side of the Solomon Hochoy highway and, after confronting them, realised that a badly beaten man was tied up in their trunk.
Knutt, Sealey and Cassie received $500 each and certificates of commendation for their “keen powers of observation and devotion to duty.”
Many children get more lavish gifts on Christmas Day just for still being alive.
Or, to put it into context:
If Knutt, Sealey and Cassie can discover two more kidnap victims between now and New Year’s Day, they could raise enough to take their wives to Tobago for one night and even buy benne balls for the children they had to leave behind.
Meanwhile, the Cabinet-approved reward for moving a mangled and unusable fire truck was $6.8 million.
Mr Live Wire thinks whoever said crime does not pay has never watched the Parliament channel.
Mr. Live Wire is an avid news reader who translates media reports for persons who can handle the truth. And satire. Unlike Jack Nicholson, he rarely yells.
Lasana, doh geh tie up! Wha make you tink priests doh have family to feed? Speak for your priest!
Lol at benne balls! Really though, give these cops some kind of medal or commendation. They should get career acknowledgement, not cash. We want good cops moving up within the ranks, not focusing on trying to get cash for doing their jobs.
Well, everyone works for a salary. And many companies have financial incentive schemes. So, I don’t see anything wrong with the respective union pushing for larger cash incentives for policemen who are doing an excellent job.
They aren’t priests after all. They have families to feed.