Irresponsible, excessively costly and a nightmare for political handlers; age has not mellowed Brian Lara much.
Not Lara the cricketer, mind you, but rather the political spin doctors who try to get some turn away from the controversial facilities named after the former West Indies icon.
Former UDeCOTT Chairman Calder Hart is supposedly facing a multi-million dollar lawsuit for the Brian Lara Stadium that should have been opened in 2007 for the Cricket World Cup but, five years later, is yet to get off the mark.
And Independent Senator Harold Ramkissoon yesterday bemoaned the underexposure of the persons responsible for over-radiating patients at the Brian Lara Cancer Centre, which he called one of the greatest scandals in medical history.
Wired868 suggests that the best way to become a household name is to dedicate your life to success in a noteworthy field.
And what is the best way to tarnish that good name? Loan it to politicans for a few years.
Mr. Live Wire is an avid news reader who translates media reports for persons who can handle the truth. And satire. Unlike Jack Nicholson, he rarely yells.