Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar assured citizens on Monday night that she remains “committed to cooperating with the Police” in its investigation of alleged emails that suggest misbehaviour in office, at best, by herself and several senior Government ministers.
She also suggested that the Police was susceptible to “PNM thuggery”, had tried to plant cocaine on Sadiq Baksh, was on a witch hunt against her, could potentially justify the safety of the country and proved itself incapable of handling important matters by virtue of its inconclusive investigations into Calder Hart and the Guanapo church.

Other than that, we assume, Persad-Bissessar thinks Trinidad and Tobago’s lawmen are splendid people that deserve respect from all persons who, obviously, are not People’s Partnership members or financiers.
The PM, having revealed that she loves the police more than mice love cats, went on to offer an insight into the make-up of her UNC party.
Persad-Bissessar revealed that, in 2010, she asked present Chaguanas West candidate Khadijah Ameen to withdraw her nomination papers for the chairman post so that Warner could win to create a more “inclusive executive.”
The racial composition as well as the portfolios held by UNC members, it appears, is not a manifestation of democracy and open-mindedness but rather an unnatural thing that is crafted by the Prime Minister in the way she might decorate her living room.
Mr Live Wire thinks he liked the supposedly naïve, ill-advised Prime Minister more than this reincarnation of Machiavelli in a skirt.

Ameen also spoke about her candidacy on Monday night and said something about being “in no one’s pocket.” It was hard to hear her clearly since she was in Persad-Bissessar’s pocket at the time.
Live Wire cannot confirm that TOP leader Ashworth Jack listened to the PM’s speech and called in sick the next day complaining of disorientation, paranoia and disbelief. He was supposedly diagnosed with déjà vu.
Mr. Live Wire is an avid news reader who translates media reports for persons who can handle the truth. And satire. Unlike Jack Nicholson, he rarely yells.