Canadian resident Gene Dziadyk, a former CLICO CEO, knows a thing about Trinidad and Tobago’s seedy criminal underworld after moving to the two-island republic in 2001. But the merciless bandits that scare him most don’t live in “hot spot” areas.
“Some people say Trinidad is a lawless country (with) crime in the streets,” Dziadyk told the Trinidad Express, “but I have never been robbed in the streets, but by the governing elites…”
Dziadyk claimed that he attempted a paradigm shift to save CLICO. He was fired, as CEO, within six months.
Not even religious convictions have deterred some of Trinidad and Tobago’s corporate and political thieves who regularly attend the church or temple or even both.
Local storyteller Paul Keens Douglas once recalled seeing a known scamp en route to church one Sunday morning. He urged him to tell God about the money he had stolen from his fellowmen.
The white collar criminal replied: “I does confess my sins, not my business.”
Mr. Live Wire is an avid news reader who translates media reports for persons who can handle the truth. And satire. Unlike Jack Nicholson, he rarely yells.