Nakhid: Jay-Z joins long list of black sell outs; T&T has its fair share too

How do you transform from slinging crack cocaine to slinging billionaire lyrics to slinging ‘house nigger’ semantics within two decades—while simultaneously kicking to the curb the most prominent black face in the fight for social justice for the last generation in one fell swoop?

Easy, you’re US hip hop star Jay-Z… Okay.

Jay-Z and his financial ‘bend over’ is nothing new to the black global community. Our list of sell-outs are too numerous to mention, sometimes too painful to recall. The ‘house niggers’ who killed Malcolm X, Patrick Lumumba, Imam Hussain ibn Ali, Huey Newton, Thomas Sankara, Chè Guevara, Ama Naidoo and a host of other black martyrs, forever cursed and etched in historic infamy.

Photo: NFL commissioner Roger Goodell (right) welcomes US hop hip star and entrepreneur Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter to his team.
(Copyright DNYUS)

However, some achieved political success, social fame and even black worldwide acceptance. And there unfortunately is the rub!

I have no doubt after the initial impulsive backlash against the man married to Beyonce, the Black global community will experience its familiar amnesia and move on. We have been and continue to be more complicit in our demise than the racist white power structure itself.

Listen here, do you know that even the most hell-bent white supremacist readily admits that ‘Asians’ are intellectually superior to white people? However inherently wrong that assertion is, the history behind it is not. The rise of China, Japan and South Korea (because this is who most white supremacists classify as Asians) economically fuelled their bigoted pretensions to academia, because success of any community is what the white power structure recognises and respect.

They still see Asians as inferior to themselves; but not with the same animus or vitriol as they view the Black global community.

Right here in our narco-state of Trinidad and Tobago, young black men continue to fall by the scores under the watch of our cosmetic black leaders like Patrick Manning, Basdeo Panday, Kamla Persad-Bissessar or Dr Keith Rowley. Other than the typical third world bluster of a Randolph Burroughs or Gary Griffith, which one of the aforementioned black Trinidad and Tobago leaders initiated anything meaningful to reach the source of our woes—both economic and social?

‘Don’t hide behind your finger’ has always been my favourite Lebanese proverb, and it’s what we in Trinidad and Tobago do so well.

Photo: Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley (left) and Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC.
(Copyright Power102fm)

Don’t we all know who controls the economics of Trinidad and Tobago? And if we are indeed a narco-state with the complicity of politicians, financiers and law services, can’t we in plain sight see who they are? Who do they serve?

Yes, we can—a phrase borrowed from another high profile house negro. But we refuse to do the heavy lifting to effect change. We can never envision our majority peace-abiding citizenry unifying and protesting en masse, a la our Hong Kong comrades.

How many of our media houses or journalists conveniently continue to ignore or even reference the Scott Drug Report without examining the names and their connections mentioned? Those mentioned still continue to wield enormous political and economic influence to the detriment of the entire country.

And what about an enquiry into the rape, sodomy and murder of Akiel Chambers? We should be ashamed of ourselves and our continued apathy and inability to assert our relevance.

Like Jay-Z, we have surrendered meekly, every one of us with a different price tag or rationale. I continue to hold onto the belief that we can turn things around, however unpleasant it will be, however more brutal it may get. We have no choice but  to fight the oppressive power structure that imprisons us within their created narco-state.

It’s either fight or return to the worse form of slavery: acquiescence!

Oh yeah and f**k  you too Jay-Z!

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