Fixin’ T&T, a local civic watch group, has questioned the competence of Trinidad and Tobago president Anthony Carmona, after his selection of Dr Kriyaan Singh as a temporary Independent Senator.
The following is the full press release from Fixin’ T&T:
President Anthony Carmona’s decision to place Dr Kriyaan Singh as a temporary Independent Senator in our Parliament raises even more questions about his competence.
The President must now ‘do the right thing’ by immediately revoking Dr Singh’s appointment and removing his name from consideration in the future. Surely the President or at least his office must know about Dr Singh’s social media posts which suggest that he is anything but independent.
Moreover and very deeply disturbing are Dr Singh’s most obscene, disrespectful and seemingly misogynist rants and attacks against journalist Ria Taitt in 2015 which were widely reported on and included references to his left testicle and that he does not wear any underwear.
“Dear Trinidad Express Newspaper and Ria Taitt,” stated Dr Singh, in a Facebook post last year. “Today when I woke up I noticed my left testicle was hanging a fraction lower than my right. Please write a story on how my progeny would be right wing biased.
“Also I don’t wear underwear and so would favour the swing vote. I have also taken several front page worthy photos of it which I think would serve to increase your sales.”
FIXIN’ T&T reminds the public that President Carmona, to this day, refuses to answer and take responsibility for the $28,000.00 housing allowance which he received while occupying a residence paid for by taxpayers.
We have warned about the dangers of his publicly stated description of views not perfectly aligned with his as ‘donkey cart interpretations’ and ‘rum shop logic’.
Our Constitution urgently needs to be revisited as no office or office holder in our land must be above reproach and all must be made to be held to account.
Fixin T&T’s mission is the realization of good governance to achieve healthy, holistic, and fulfilling lifestyles for all citizens through the study, promotion, and furtherance of strong democratic institutions; sound infrastructure; integrity in public and corporate affairs; and a culture of respect by all for the laws and regulations of the country to create a safe, secure, efficient and productive Trinidad & Tobago.
Fools gold have you ever heard of it
How could anybody appoint somebody so twisted as this fellow?
Hahaha ….like you have court house clothes….
One good thing about this the next time the people will make sure they have a say in who gets to be the president of this twin island by what ever means , we cannot sit down and let a handful of so called demigods
decide our faith in important matters as that.
The Prez appointment of Dr. Singh is well researched, anaylised and INTENTIONAL. No one should mistake his intentions for incompetence, he knows exactly what he is doing. The question is what can/will we do about this?
How I long for a president of the caliber of Hochoy, Ellis Clarke, Hassanali or Robinson. We had presidents of substance. This one is showing his ‘Powers’. What a shame.
Worst T&T President ever
And the head of state, still has this clown as an independent senator, this reflects worst on the head of state than the sad doctor!
This guy is still at it
Paul Richards is another choice by Powers independent my ass
The decision to go with Singh is ugly considering the political and racist vitriol which Singh spews on his page reflecting his personal opinion. A petty fellow who enjoys trolling those who protest or react to his ignorant diatribes. Not a sensible man but an efficient enough poser. Poor Mr Carmona has been badly advised. Who next for Parliament Mr Carmona…Saucy Pow? This is as bad as the decision to appoint Therese Baptiste Cornelis as Minister. Only my opinion.
Jest wondering aloud, Can too much of a good and relaxed lifestyle cause an early onslaught of dementia?…Dr. Singh, an opinion, please.
So what’s the problem with Kriyaan Singh being an independent senator?
Ohhh nooo, don’t ever say this is the worst it can get, believe me, the universe will delight in proving you wrong …..
But he was good suddenly he bad que Sera sera
This has to be the lowest level of competence from the highest office.
The President’s actions are always inversely proportional to his chantings.
Not ah real country eh. Them really good yes
Was just about to say that people are expecting too much from someone who has a legal background, yet is seriously challenged in determining whether he’s entitled to a housing allowance or not.
When last was a prez so unpopular and dispensible?
I predict one term for him
Is he still collecting that state housing allowance while enjoying state housing?
The rum shop is open
When exactly is his term ending? I hope it is this year and soon. I’ve had enough.
Nope..2018 I believe
Mel Lissa so long??
Them really good yes. Lol
Pussyfoot eh even run a free background check on this man!
All yuh Powers turn soon come to an end the only 1 term President.
Really, how long does he have?
And he ain’t stopping
Maybe we could trick Singh into saying something about his wife.
The worst president to pass through this country go nah
I will never understand in a million years why there is a president in our sweet country eh and the prime minister have more power than him. Them really good yes.
Why you all didn’t have a problem with Ian roach and Helen drayton
Where are Ian Roach n Helen Drayton posts Mr Benjamin …..
Helen got a state job at CNmg roach told the previous government to call election while sitting as an independent senator and help past that dictatorship Ssa Bill that’s worst than a fb post
Why do i get the impression that Mr Benjamin expects the Independent bench to be an automatic extension of the official opposition to the govt?
That Mr Roach supported the SSA Bill, is not unprecedented for an independent.
Mrs Helen Draton is independently qualified and sought after, so if the govt offers her the opportunity to continue serving country after her tenure in the Parliament, that shd not be automatically questioned or viewed with suspicion, as if her integrity was compromised.
Of course it was so I ask how independent are the independent
Mr Simon Benjamin needs to understand the meaning of Independent, in the Westminster, Whitehall Model.
That person has no ties to the govt nor opposition; is not under anyone’s whip and does not form an opinion as a result of a caucus, that fosters collective responsibility.
A free agent he/she is, to support, oppose or abstain from participating in any debate or subsequent vote on any bill.
As a statesman, the country’s wellbeing is paramount and supporting or opposing the government’s agenda is based on conscience
I never said that I expect the independent bench should automatically be an extension of the opposition Mr roach said in his speech that he was not gonna support the Bill as it was presented and the government should make amendment offered one secret meeting with the government and he helped past the Bill without any amendment made and you don’t see a problem with that Why didn’t the others vote the same way that Bill is flawed it’s ludicrous and it is dangerous
From waste of time maxwell to waste of time carmona
On the contrary Anil Maharaj , Ex President Max Richards still stood up for the citizen in regards to situations affecting the population. This one is the worst we have had in the history of T&T, a complete waste of time. The only stand he made was a pre action protocol letter to a comedian for expressing her personal views on his wife’s attire.
This is nonesense to the highest degree .. highest
The president is again showing his true colors his bias.
Steups why is the goodly Doctor being held to a lower standard of behaviour and handled with kid gloves.
rowley take the housing allowance now you have that power we cant pay twice to house this rat carmona
People really need to stand up to office holders when they do things like this. And not just with letters. There is clearly something amiss with the President opting to make this appointment.
Oh he’s not incompetent, he knows exactly what he is doing
Tic ⏰Toc ⏰Tic ⏰Toc ⏰
We’re almost there ……….
One term President
Powers you think i have i dont…. powers you don t think i have i do
At the very least if at the last…
We will see him bareback and grinding on some random wining fodder at carnival …
And his eminence will be aroused to good graces once again
Max that is
Maybe someone should lend him a dictionary. His choice clearly shows that he has no idea what the word independent means.
Why don’t they tell him to resign? Steups
How long is a term for him?
4 years I think
Maybe he is just doing as he is told……..Lasana what you think…..
What kind of vetting process is used by the President to determine the suitability of Independent Senators? He should fire all those responsible for doing background checks on potential candidates. What a shame? Hopefully he’ll do the honorable thing and revoke this appointment and apologize to the nation.
I had to keep reading over to see if i really read Independent Senator. Crazy.