“Thy’s a Judas,” stated one onlooker, as councillors met at the Chaguanas Borough Corporation yesterday to select a new mayor.
The female commenter did not quite pull off the King James version-speak; but one got the picture. An evil deed of biblical proportions had just been executed.
“We want the whole world to see who is our traitor,” said ILP chairman Robin Montano, in today’s Trinidad Express.
Mr Live Wire cannot confirm that Jack Warner might have squirmed uncomfortably along with the ILP’s wanna-be mayor Falisha Isahak.

In a shocking coup, Warner and Isahak conspired with the political enemy to remove the chosen mayor from their own ranks and stunned thousands who had just voted them into office.
Oops. Mr Live Wire got his dates mixed up.
The aforementioned event occurred in 2009 when Warner had then UNC councillors Isahak, Nalsingh Rambaran and Ramesh Ramdhan join PNM councillors Ronald Heera and Bernard Bailey to oust incumbent UNC mayor Suruj Rambachan.
Warner later bragged in Parliament that he set up the coup with aid of veteran PNM politician Colm Imbert.
“It was to show Mr Panday we had some power,” said Warner, a former history teacher.
He wasn’t so pleased when 23-year-old ILP councillor Faaiq Mohammed proved to be a keen history student himself and an obvious fan of Warner’s own dark political arts.
Mohammed ignored his ILP colleague, Isahak, and supported UNC candidate Vandana Mohit instead.
“I treated Faaiq like a son,” said a disappointed Isahak, who had apparently forgotten all about “Uncle Suruj.”
Warner, who is a deeply religious man and a practising Christian, Hindu and Muslim, claimed that he begged Mohammed to prove he was a good Muslim by following his wishes.
“I told him this morning ‘boy, you are a young man, don’t spoil your career…under Muslim this kind of thing is wrong, son’,” said Warner. “… They have just spoilt a young man, his career is finished, his political career is finished…
“I am sorry for him, not for me and I am sorry for the UNC; they have gone down one notch further than they could ever go in the society.”
And no one knows more about going a notch below society than the ILP boss.

Warner is in a moral outrage at present over the Chaguanas mayor’s race.
(Courtesy CONCACAF)
Warner supported a call for the Chaguanas mayor to be elected by a show of hands rather than the silent ballot that he and Isahak used, four years ago.
“At the end of the day you have to be exposed,” said Warner, “and the public has a right to know who the traitors are on board.”
Heera, the PNM councillor, voted in tandem with Warner, just as he did four years ago, as both parties tried to block a secret ballot, which is one of the cornerstones of democracy.
Morality is clearly dead in Chaguanas politics. But then this is not a new diagnosis for that city.
Irony is alive and kicking though and hypocrisy is in the prime of its career.
Mr. Live Wire is an avid news reader who translates media reports for persons who can handle the truth. And satire. Unlike Jack Nicholson, he rarely yells.
At the risk of repeating myself or stating something that everyone else knows (but no one seems shocked or worried about): That man is dangerous! How could he blatantly sit in judgement on someone who did the same thing he did (less than 5 years ago) and act as if butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth?
Warner is soon becoming a Jack of All Trades and the Master of None. But as a ‘practicing Hindu” as the blog states, he must know the laws of karma and from reports of all the things that has gone around him, he must expect plenty more to come around.
All unfair games must play over so what goes around must come back around
Tief from tief does make God laugh. And it’s especially hilarious when the student becomes the teacher. Sad as this story is, it’s made me laugh whole day. Good job Wired!