There’s a coalpot somewhere in my storeroom. And I own a bicycle. Truth is, I down here long. So I don’t need any advice from any MP about how to prepare for what’s coming. I really down here too long fuh that. And after reading Scotty Ranking’s recent piece on …
Read More »Something sneaky with your TP: anyone else notice the dirty toilet paper trick?!
With the proposed 2022-2023 budget having been laid in Parliament, a lot of Trinbagonians have been forced to be more circumspect in how they spend their precious dollars, especially as many public sector workers are still earning at pre-2104 rates! Nevertheless, something has happened to us even before this budget …
Read More »Dear Editor: The juice is loose; managing T&T’s malodorous garbage truck menace
Wired868 is primarily a sports media outlet but I am in no way referring to OJ Simpson and his recent reintroduction into society as a free man. What I am referring to is an issue that affects every community in Trinidad and Tobago, an issue that actually transcends race, creed, …
Read More »Damn, Darryl! Rowley’s election announcement stumps Smith’s pension plan
So the Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley has dissolved parliament and called for general elections. On 10 August, our nations go to the polls to determine who will govern us for the next five-year period. While the pending election should provoke excitement nationwide, at least one individual may be feeling …
Read More »Eras in a bun dense: Wednesday’s perfect storm of genuine media howlers
Let us call them simply ‘moments.’ I use the neutral term to refer to those momentous instances when you spot an error that is so glaring that you could not ignore it even if you wanted to. On Wednesday 26 June, I had four such moments, which I should like …
Read More »Howzat? Do the T&T sports media think it’s abuse to hit your own wicket?
When we hear stories from victims of domestic abuse, sometimes we want to ask why did the victim stay in such an abusive relationship for as long as she did. Why endure such abuse, we wonder, when you could ‘easily’ just leave that toxic environment? Often the victim offers the …
Read More »Anaphora, cataphora and grammatical euphoria; Scotty Ranking steps up for Media Monitor duty
I was born in the mid-70s, the period claimed by both Generation X and Generation Y. Perhaps that is what created within me that enigmatic mix of new world tastes and old world styles. Most people who know me will say that, when it comes to grammar, I’m definitely old …
Read More »Demise of the TnT Mirror: Did the new media messenger shoot itself in the foot?
Have you ever heard a piece of news which you had probably anticipated for months but which still shocked you when it did come? For me, that happened just over a week ago with the announcement that the TNT News Centre—publishers of the popular TnT Mirror and Sunday Punch—was closing …
Read More »How to spot a poorly run sporting body: CIES’ Cornu calls out CFU, TTFA points fingers at self
If FIFA and the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) were practising good governance, including fair and transparent electoral processes, would Mohammed bin Hammam realistically have expected to get away with trying to bribe 25 CFU officials for their votes during his bid for the FIFA presidency in 2012? That rhetorical question …
Read More »Killing ’em with class; why bad teaching can be fatal
The academic rule of thumb states that if you’re good at science and mathematics, you’re supposed to suck at languages. And the reverse also applies. I guess I’m the exception that tests the rule since, at the tertiary level institution where I am still a student, I am able to …
Read More »Straight facts, no additives: The truth about the media’s brown-haired school girl story
Contributor Damian Scott has something to say on the scandal supposedly caused by the sending home of a Trinidad schoolgirl for the colour of her hair in his Letter to the Editor: There is a local saying that there is always more in the mortar than what we see on …
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