Bring back the old-time days… Do you remember the primary school days when we sat in the dusty school yard under the tambrand, tree, the downs tree, the immortelle tree, the padoo tree, or whatever tree that was in the yard while teacher Percy preached hellfire and brimstone and brought …
Read More »Farewell Joel Nanton, I have never met a better person
Joel Nanton, the chair of the Department of Journalism and Media at COSTAATT, passed away yesterday at the age of 47—after a three-year battle with illness. Wired868 joins the rest of the media community in expressing condolences to his wife, Hollene, and their three children, as well as to his family …
Read More »$26,000 at stake in Wired868’s new Write Start contest for secondary school students
Got a teenager at home? Think (s)he has a novel or a short story nestling at the back of his/her head just waiting to get out? And what of teenagers in general? Agree that they have lost a lot of the skills that adolescents in your time had, including critical …
Read More »Monitoring Me 4: The Sisyphus miracle of rolling stones, uphill tasks and labours of love
My first encounter with Sisyphos came in Sixth Form Latin class at QRC when I was in my mid-teens. And a decade or so later, I was halfway between 18 and 28 in 20th Century French Literature class at UWI when I was introduced to the Camusian version of the …
Read More »Killing ’em with class; why bad teaching can be fatal
The academic rule of thumb states that if you’re good at science and mathematics, you’re supposed to suck at languages. And the reverse also applies. I guess I’m the exception that tests the rule since, at the tertiary level institution where I am still a student, I am able to …
Read More »Running for my life with COSTAATT; Best finds things not so easy on a Sunday morning
Tiger Woods, I read somewhere, trains with 50 pounds of weights strapped to his chest and back. Tiger was just 41 last December 30; I was 67 on Saturday. A quarter of a century makes a big difference. They do say, however, that age is just a number. But if …
Read More »Rising to the challenge: Daly SC on local elections, violence, self-esteem and Kung Fu Panda
“The potential to soothe the savage beasts of the nation whenever they appear in your communities and to put disagreement into less destructive modes. That is a challenge to which you must all rise. “Meeting that challenge must be prefaced by a search for self-esteem. I say this is the …
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