“[…] Amazingly, Pan Trinbago has opted to forgo any possibility of sustainability by giving up this potential by exchanging 13 acres of land in Trincity/Orange Grove for a half-acre and an old building in Port of Spain.
“In Trincity/ Orange Grove, the potential is as unlimited as the land space and imagination would allow. For starters, an amphitheatre, a purpose-built venue for this type of pan and revelry participation could be set up. A circuit to jump up in a band in a closed, revenue-generating facility…”
The following Letter to the Editor on Pan Trinbago’s failure to exploit land provided by the government in Trincity/ Orange Grove was submitted to Wired868 by Kelvin McClean of San Fernando:
To the rest of the world, pan is a novelty, an instrument of mysterious sound production, a native, exotic experience. The world is in awe of it and may be willing to pay handsomely for its sensual experiences.
The pan is not a novelty to the Trini. It was with him since birth. Except on the airways (sic), it has always been all around him. There is no time before pan. Trini is simply awed by the rest of the world being awed.
The fact that it is the only musical instrument of the 20th century is only notably mentioned but means very little to him. So, it is against his sensibilities to pay to hear it. It is simply counterintuitive.
Unless pan is combined with the possible revelry participation, Trini will not pay to sit down and listen to pan. Or, more correctly, very few will. And that, too, Trini expects for free.
So where does Pan Trinbago feature in this conundrum as they try to achieve their vision of making pan a viable industry and be recognized as the World Governing Body for steelpan and steelband music?
Pan Trinbago seems to have recognized the freeness mentality of the masses. Almost every event by Pan Trinbago is free, with the notable exception of Panorama and festivals. One wonders how is this possible?
These events are made possible only by healthy doses of government subvention and corporate sponsorship as the sources of income. And this seems to be the Pan Trinbago business model.
There appear to be no initiatives to generate sustainable revenues. The obvious questions are how long can this continue, and how and when can pan become self-sustaining?
Amazingly, Pan Trinbago has opted to forgo any possibility of sustainability by giving up this potential by exchanging 13 acres of land in Trincity/ Orange Grove for a half-acre and an old building in Port of Spain.
In Trincity/ Orange Grove, the potential is as unlimited as the land space and imagination would allow. For starters, an amphitheatre, a purpose-built venue for this type of pan and revelry participation could be set up. A circuit to jump up in a band in a closed, revenue-generating facility.
Conversely, the potential for revenue generation is as limited as the land-confined space in Port of Spain and the comparable stunted imagination of the Pan Trinbago directorate.
When we look around, we see the Divali Nagar with 20-plus acres, with festival venues, car parks, a flea market, and other business potential. Compare Pan Trinbago. Absolutely no hope or potential.
See the Baraka Muslim Grounds, 14-plus acres. Hospital, food courts, car parks, flea markets, business accommodations, etc. See the Chaguaramas boardwalk, water park and revenue-generating businesses on acres of land.
Compare Pan Trinbago. Nothing, now or in the foreseeable future. The 13 acres in Trincity/ Orange Grove could possibly allow for similar developments. But this is not to be.
I envisaged passing by the land in Trincity/ Orange Grove, being pointed out by my grandchildren as a revenue-generating complex that exists there but owned by others, possibly foreigners.
We would say that that could have been a Pan Trinbago ownership, but all we have to show is a building in Port of Spain with very little sustainability.
Pan Trinbago will pay rent for it, rent venues to hold their functions, rent transport for the instruments, buy uniforms, etc, etc. All are characterized by an outflow of any earnings into the pockets of non-pan patriots.
Pan Trinbago has inflicted a great tragedy on the pan fraternity and national community by this act of abdication. The pain is almost as bad and permanent as West Indies cricket.
Want to share your thoughts with Wired868? Email us at editor@wired868.com.
Please keep your letter between 300 to 600 words and be sure to read it over first for typos and punctuation.
We don’t publish anonymously unless there is a good reason, such as an obvious threat of harassment or job loss.
Tobago (Ramsey Moore) to Tobago (Keet) was a done deal. Don’t be surprised if she is a next pnm candidate for one of the Tobago seats
The 13acres of land in Trincity is where the new pan theater should go. Not on busy Wrightson Road.
Show me a Deed in the name of Pantrinbago for the lands in Trincity
A deed was indeed provided.
By all means remove the 3 ships. However, the nautical motif of the Coat of Arms must be considered.The steel pan on the seas will look out of place.And what about the ship steering wheel on the top? Will that remain? And what about the thing that looks like a Conquistador helmet and the feathery plumes will that also remain? Where is the National Flower…the double Chaconia.No sir, the whole lot must go.
Eventually the whole lot may go. But at this time we must not be intimidated or distracted if we don’t have all the answers. All we need to know is that we are heading in the right direction
The pan fraternity need a strong leader!