Dear editor: Farewell to a true Gens de Arime—everybody loved Raymond Morris



“[…] A true Gens de Arime, Raymond was loved and appreciated for his kind and generous spirit.

“He was well known in Arima and surrounding districts in the entertainment fraternity having managed at one time the number one disco in the east. He was a painter, market vendor, businessman with agents selling ice-cream products throughout the Borough and an employee in the Ministry of Works…”

The following Letter to the Editor on the passing of popular Arimian Raymond Morris was submitted to Wired868 by former Arima Mayor and MP Ashton Ford:

The late Raymond Morris.

Raymond Morris died on 15 March 2024. He was the son of a former mayor, Leroy Morris, and father of a mayor, Lisa Morris-Julian.

The outpouring of love and affection displayed by the large turnout at his funeral was a true testimony of the life he lived in his hometown, Arima. A true Gens de Arime, Raymond was loved and appreciated for his kind and generous spirit.

He was well known in Arima and surrounding districts in the entertainment fraternity having managed at one time the number one disco in the east. He was a painter, market vendor, businessman with agents selling ice-cream products throughout the Borough and an employee in the Ministry of Works.

His daughter Lisa, in her eulogy, described him as a caring and devoted father who ensured that his family of six girls and two sons—with the full support of his wife Ann—were guided in the direction of being good and honest citizens in all their endeavors.

The late Raymond Morris (right) poses with daughter and D’Abadie O’Meara MP Lisa Morris-Julian.

The presence of members of the Fulham and Memphis clubs was a clear indication of his legacy as a keen sportsman and administrator in promoting the development of sports among the youths in Arima.

After his retirement, Raymond returned to his childhood neighbourhood on Farfan Street where he continued mentoring the young people in Arima in sports, business, events management because he had earned the title of “life of the party”.

He always reminded his friends that his birthday, 31st August, was more important than Independence Day and in the latter days of his life, although incapacitated, he was sure to have some celebration as stated by daughter Lisa.

Former Arima Mayor and MP Ashton Ford (second from left) poses with former Fulham players at the funeral of their late teammate Raymond Morris.

She said if he could have asked about the attendance at his service, he would be pleased to know that the audience included the Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, government ministers Camille Robinson-Regis, Paula Gopee-Scoon, Donna Cox, Randell Mitchell, and Marvin Gonzales, along with other high-profile party officials and members from across the country.

Although his father Leroy, uncle Jimmy and daughter Lisa were involved in politics, he never held a formal position at People’s National Movement (PNM) but was a well-known activist at every election.

He was the husband of Ann and father of Lisa, Joz Anne, Avion, Sabella, Siane, Melissa, Raymond Jr and Nicholas.

Tribute to Raymond Morris…

At his celebration at the Angel Harps Steel Orchestra panyard Lisa thanked everyone for their overwhelming support because “Everybody Loves Raymond”.

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