David Lee: “[…] A political witch hunt”… “I am confident I will be vindicated!”

“[…] To this very day, the vehicle is owned by me, the vehicle remains in my name, the vehicle’s insurance is in my name, the loan agreement is in my name as all documentation supports the fact that I am the owner of the vehicle in question.

“[…] Put simply, I have been charged for a vehicle that I am the legal owner of, but this is an issue I am confident, given the proof, will be vindicated in our nation’s courts…”

The following is a press statement by UNC deputy political leader and Pointe a Pierre MP David Lee, who was arrested and charged with conspiracy for defraud on Friday 16 September 2022—in relation to his use of parliamentary privilege for the purchase of a TT$2.3m vehicle:

Photo: Opposition Chief Whip David Lee.
(Copyright Office of the Parliament 2021)

As the Member of Parliament for Pointe a Pierre, I would like to respond to the political witch hunt and distraction by this Government which has resulted in charges being laid against me for allegationswhich in due course I shall prove are not only futile as well as false but are a direct attempt by an administration that has lost its way to change the national conversation away from the hardship which they have caused on our population.

While this is now a matter before the court and I will remain circumspect in my comments, I take this time to inform the national public that at no time did I contravene, conspire, or seek to defraud the state or its institutions through the access of exemptions for the purchase of a vehicle which all Members of Parliament are allowed.

While these charges have been laid against me, it is important that Members of the Public are aware that the transaction in question was undertaken, as the evidence will show, within the confines of the law. To this very day, the vehicle is owned by me, the vehicle remains in my name, the vehicle’s insurance is in my name, the loan agreement is in my name as all documentation supports the fact that I am the owner of the vehicle in question.

Photo: MP David Lee purchased a Mercedes-Benz G Class AMG G63.

I have always been transparent with the ownership of this vehicle to the point that I have recorded it each year since its acquisition on my annual declaration to the Integrity Commission.

Put simply, I have been charged for a vehicle that I am the legal owner of, but this is an issue I am confident, given the proof, will be vindicated in our nation’s courts.

At this time, I remain determined and committed to undertake my job as the Member of Parliament for Pointe a Pierre and will not be distracted, deterred, or even intimidated from undertaking my role to stand up for my constituents against a government that continues to place our population under significant socio-economic burdens.

Despite the coincidence that after spending the first few days of the week publicly exposing the Government on energy matters then to be charged on Friday, as if it was an act of suppression, I will continue to call this Government out with equal if not stronger vigour given the decimation, they have undertaken in our energy sector and national community.

I have full faith in our independent institutions, and I await my day in court to prove my innocence.

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  1. A lot of smoke and mirrors designed to entrap the gullible in this population. What is sad about all of this is that their constituents continue to cry out for proper representation while their representatives explore every opportunity to enrich themselves, their friends and families. Not for once understanding that this is yours and all of taxpayers monies that are be siphoned off to their benefit. These leaches are destroying this country aided and abetted by citizens’ indifference/biases/willful neglect.

  2. Maybe the PNM wants to give you money. Once you wil the case as you are convinced you would, then you can sue the Government and have your name cleared. I am reminded of statements by GG that he was given $45M to hound down certain opposition politicians

    • That car is not a Nissan or a Toyota that is Mercedes G Wagon AMG. If he truly owned that car surely everybody in his area would have seen him driving it and could testify to that fact. If however nobody saw him using his own car then questions are morw than justified.

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