“There is a difference between managing and leading, and so far the government has been doing the best it can to manage this crisis,” said goodtalkTnT director Peter Gales. “Now, it’s time to lead us out of it, by giving us a finish line we can see—and a plan to get there…”
Should Carnival 2022 be Trinidad and Tobago’s finish line for the Covid-19 pandemic?
Click HERE to vote in Gales’ poll on goodtalkTnT and listen to him explain his idea:
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Anybody who legitimately expects the govt to give us a finish line that we can see when WHO can’t even give one is living in fantasy world…and while I do tend to reside in the pale pink mist myself, there are certain situations in which I am firmly grounded in reality. Honestly, I don’t even want to watch that video because I am just not about to waste my time on theoretical discussions of something that is less than a year away when you see where we are in terms of the Covid numbers. Now if someone tells me they have a time machine that can take them into the future and back safely, then we can talk. Sorry…
I remember listening to someone give a business talk about adapting a pilot’s thinking, and I thought it was powerful.
The idea is the pilot says we will get to the destination at 5pm and then works his ass off to get there on time, regardless of the weather or other issues. He tries to find a solution. He doesn’t say: we will reach eventually but I ent wanna make promises I can’t keep.
Now I am not saying a fairly routine flight and a novel disease are necessarily comparable. The point is just the psychological positives to be gained by setting a target.
If the pilot said: ‘when we reach, we reach’… Well, how different would international travel be?