‘[…] When we begin to condone extrajudicial killings of unarmed citizens, we are saying that we choose to give up our rights. We choose to leave decisions of life and death to the court of public opinion and to the emotions of a select few …’
The following Letter to the Editor was submitted to Wired868 by the Nationwide Organization of We the People (NOW):
NOW notes the contents of an article in yesterday’s online Express (16 March 2021) titled I’m happy he’s dead, which, curiously, was subsequently removed from the website. It referred to the late Andrew ‘Solo’ Morris and was seemingly widely shared on social media.
The fact is that Andrew ‘Solo’ Morris was brutally beaten and killed by members of the TTPS’ Special Operations Response Team (SORT) on 31 January 2021. Attempting to demonise Mr Morris, who was no saint and had a checkered past, will not and cannot change that. The brutal beating and killing of civilians by the police must never be tolerated.
NOW remains relentlessly committed to the rule of law and due process. When we begin to condone extrajudicial killings of unarmed citizens, we are saying that we choose to give up our rights. We choose to leave decisions of life and death to the court of public opinion and to the emotions of a select few.
NOW remains hopeful that a thorough, transparent and independent investigation into this matter can be effectively conducted. This despite the ongoing attempts by Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith and others to distort the facts in an effort to distract from the misdeeds of the SORT
NOW maintains that CoP Griffith and SORT Head Inspector Mark Hernandez must be removed from their respective positions pending the outcome of the aforementioned investigation.
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