T&T now has four Covid-19 cases; NWRHA lists services that are and aren’t available to public

Trinidad and Tobago has two more confirmed cases of Covid-19. The Ministry of Health confirmed the additional positive findings tonight, which brings the total number of persons found to be carrying the coronavirus to four.

No further information was offered regarding the age or sex of the patients, where they contracted the virus or where they are being treated.

Photo: Testing for Covid-19.

The Ministry of Health repeated its advisory to members of the public to:

  • Wash your hands properly with soap and water, or alcohol-based hand sanitiser if soap and water are unavailable;
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and dispose tissue immediately after using, or cough and sneeze into crook of your elbow;
  • Avoid touching your face;
  • Practice social distancing—that is no kissing, hugging or hand-shaking, and avoid mass gatherings;
  • Sanitise hard surfaces as often as possible, such as tabletops, handrails, doorknobs and trolleys;
  • Avoid close contact with people who have flu-like symptoms;
  • Stay home if you are ill.
Photo: Members of the public are asked to wash their hands properly to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.

The North West Regional Hospital Authority (NWRHA) also made the following announcements, which take effect from Monday 16 March:

(Clinical services)

  • For surgical, neurosurgery, orthopaedics, urology, plastics, ENT and ophthalmology (eyes) clinics, patients who recently had surgery and need dressings will be seen. Screening for all other patients will be done by telephone and they will be contacted to have their clinic appointments rescheduled as needed.
  • The medical, neurology, cardiology, gastroenterology, dermatology, nephrology, gynaecology and NICO clinics will be closed and only urgent cases will be seen. Screening for all other patients will be done by telephone and they will be contacted to have their clinic appointments rescheduled as needed.
  • Haematology clinics for routine visits will be closed. Patients due for chemotherapy, factor 8 therapy and transfusions will keep their appointments as usual.
  • Obstetrics patients coming to clinic will be screened prior to entrance into the clinics.
  • For echocardiograms, endoscopies and infusion services at endoscopy, screening for appointments will be done by telephone and patients with respiratory symptoms or recent travel will have their appointments rescheduled.

(Elective surgeries)

  • Urgent cases already seen by hospital team will be contacted for scheduling for general surgery and other surgical subspecialties.
  • Cases already booked for St James Medical Complex will continue as usual.
Photo: A hospital braces for Covid-19 cases.

(Radiology services: ultrasounds, CT scans, X-rays)

  • Appointments will be prioritised based on urgency.
  • Patients with respiratory symptoms and recent travel are advised to call in and rebook their appointments.


  • All patients requiring medication refill, whose prescription has expired or due to expire within the next week, can attest their clinics on their designated clinic days and a prescription re-write will be facilitated.
  • Patients who have respiratory symptoms and also persons over the age of 60 should not go to the hospital clinics. Instead, they should have a relative go with their national identification card, their clinic cards and expiring prescription, to have the refill organised.

(Accident and Emergency)

  • All patients presenting with fever and respiratory symptoms such as cough and shortness of breath will be screened in a separate area, outside the Accident and Emergency Department.
  • Patients with fever and mild respiratory symptoms and recent travel or contact with a confirmed Covid-19 positive case are advised to contact their district health centres for advice, prior to showing up at a health facility.

Please contact the Port of Spain General Hospital at 285-8989 for any further information required.

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One comment

  1. Trinidad and Tobago will take a very big hit with the covid-19 virus. That much is indisputable. One only has to look at the nature of healthcare in Trinidad and Tobago, think of all the people who attend A&E when there is no need, using it as a primary care health centre… The potential for the spread of this virus is actually quite horrific, even more than first will countries in Europe which are so hard-hit at the moment.

    And because Trinidadians believe that “God is a Trini”, they never take anything seriously. I am willing to bet my last dollar that the partying and feting will still go on and on and on…

    Some people may believe that they are safe because they do not fall within the age range most deaths occur at… The real danger is actually the high infection rate, and whether enough is being done to reduce the spread.

    I can only imagine the amount of man hours that will be lost, the effects on the economy, health care system, financial sector, manufacturing and distribution, et cetera.

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