Griffith: Buju invited me on stage; and I went out of patriotism and to help inter-country relations

“To those who do not understand the acceptance of responsibility and patriotism, had I not done this, relations between both countries could have been severely affected; possible boycotts of our products and other private sector sanctions were also on the table…”

The following is a press statement from the TTPS to address criticism of Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith’s appearance on stage at the Buju Banton ‘I am Legend Concert’, which itself followed the controversial police search of Banton’s hotel room on Glorious Saturday:

Photo: Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith (left) poses with iconic Jamaican dancehall star Buju Banton.

The Commissioner of Police has taken note of those criticising his decision to appear onstage with reggae artiste Buju Banton at last night’s ‘I am Legend Concert’. The CoP was inited onstage by Buju Banton; this follows their discussion on Saturday night, where the Commissioner met with the artiste—in a bid to clear up any misunderstanding following the search of his room by police officers.

The search of Buju Banton’s room, where nothing was found, was set to cause a major rift between this country and Jamaica.

This search occurred as a result of poor procedure by certain officers the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS), hence, the TTPS may have been directly responsible for such a rift.

Commissioner Griffith says: ‘to those who do not understand the acceptance of responsibility and patriotism, had I not done this, relations between both countries could have been severely affected; possible boycotts of our products and other private sector sanctions were also on the table’.

The Commissioner demonstrated the principled actions of accepting responsibility and putting country before self by meeting with Buju Banton, his team and a representative of the Jamaican High Commission on Saturday night.

Commissioner Griffith states: ‘if my actions affected some but it helped bridge the gap between our country and a close ally, Jamaica, then I feel sorry for those who I may have hurt; however I did what was needed to be done. In fact, I did not put myself on stage; Buju requested it’.

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  1. It’s not only Caribbean hospitality; its the human issue dealing with things that are close to us. More so affect us. i don’t see reaching a hand out of common hospitality hurts. After all Gary Griffith was asked on stage and its would be un-polite and more so affect country relationship had he refuse. But who am I to question cause and effect? The real issue unlike the trivial is Mr. Griffith to throw this matter over his shoulder, like many of us who see the map of Trinidad in a glass of water in the desert and do likewise.
    Here is what i think is worthy to print and just a little food for thought. Gary should assemble heads of all inland securities ministers – imigration, customs, coast guard, etc and accumulate a Data Base of all, and i say again all illegal imigrants – Guyanese, Venezuelan, Jamaican, get my drift, with military background from their country and deal with the influx of clear and present danger. This is the real issue that faces the country. Buju Banton seen as no danger. He is a messenger. That his message Gary. Cheers.

  2. I can’t remember the year that Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes came to Trinidad to perform. The police obtained a search warrant, searched their rooms at the Kapok Hotel, found weed and arrested & charged them. If perchance no weed was found, Randolph Burroughs wasn’t going to apologize for doing his job and he sure damm-well wasn’t going to be present at the concert.

  3. I’m a patriotic hero. I doused gasoline on a building, set it on fire; then I quickly put out the flames. Yippy!

  4. Father,

    Forgive them, they know not what they… have.

    Gary Almighty.

    p.s. A Garyphet is never appreciated in his own homeland.

  5. Next thing he will be giving a speech obo the Prime Minister and President. He real full of Shit and himself too. He stopped World War 3 from occurring. Just imagine what the Jamaican s would have done to poor little TT if he did not step in and fix things. Buju would have gotten them to totally abandon us. Gary Griffith need to know his place. He like a runaway train.

  6. GG likes the limelight wayyyyyy to much!

    Why does the COP need to appear on a stage with a Dub Artiste?

  7. I cannot really say what I want here….If I do, the ttps will be in my home/workplace and toilet b4 I finish comment.

  8. Honestly I just feel Gary just loves the limelight. He didn’t need to come on stage because he had already smoothed things over the night before. Seriously doubt Buju invited him on stage. Having said that though I’m glad he met with Buju on Saturday so that the optics would improve. I had literally just checked the Instagram post about his arrival at the airport and Jamaicans were REALLY impressed and appreciative of the warm welcome he got from Trinidad. And by the time I finished reading that Buju posted the video about the police search and the comments by Jamaicans took us from “Hero” to “Zero” in a blink. So I was happy for Gary PR move

  9. The caricature of ‘police service’ will expand and grow as the p.r. machine picks up speed..Hello hello..calling Burkee ..calling Burkee

  10. Gary pay no mind to your haters please thats what they will always be haters. They are like darm if you do darm if you dont. Tell them take a seat and use a chill pill.

  11. Lol I think the commish wanted a pic but didnt want to look like a fanboy so he organise a raid. I not buying all that kool aid he selling

  12. Dial Gary and Buju Banton. They could make a great duo.

  13. “National Security Minister Gary Griffith, who takes himself far too seriously to be a Wired868 reader, threatened to blow the diplomatic ruse by adhering to the PP principle of speaking out of turn and without consulting his colleagues.

    “I want to remind everyone that the Immigration Division falls under the National Security Ministry… that has not changed,” Griffith told the Trinidad Guardian. “Immigration officers will continue to perform their duty by thoroughly verifying all persons to ensure they meet the full requirements, and if they do not meet those requirements, they would not be allowed entry into T&T. It’s as simple as that.”

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