Lion cubs draw record crowd; Pro League club tries to poach them

A trio of lion cubs drew a record crowd at the Emperor Valley Zoo in Port of Spain on Sunday as an estimated 10,000 persons came out to see Mufasa, Scar and Kovu, who flew to Trinidad last week from Texas, US.

The crowd created a massive traffic pile-up as vehicles circled in search of a parking spot and police even considered closing the zoo early.

“It was incredible,” Zoological Society president Gupte Lutchmedial told the Trinidad Newsday. “… I thought last week when we had the anaconda that would be the biggest crowd we would get for a while. In fact, our records show that it was the biggest crowd we’ve had in 12 months.

“However, yesterday’s turn-out was absolutely astonishing. I couldn’t believe it at first.”

Mr Live Wire cannot confirm that Central FC is desperately trying to sign the three lions before the Digicel Pro League transfer window closes to boost paltry local football attendances.

Photo: Central FC coach Terry Fenwick knows a good signing when he sees one.
(Courtesy Photos868)

When asked if he could maintain control of a dressing room with such powerful beasts, we are unable to verify that Central’s combative coach, Terry Fenwick, said his spell as an English international made him more knowledgeable about “Three Lions” than anyone else in Trinidad.

Fenwick, in another unsubstantiated report, also said he would rather take his chances screaming at three lions as opposed to tangling with his new assistant coach and former midfield hardman, Travis Mulraine.


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