Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar thrilled her People’s Partnership colleagues with a deft stand-up routine yesterday at a $1,000-a-plate fund raiser for the upcoming THA elections.
“They talk of corruption in my Government and up to today they cannot give me one specific instance of corruption,” said the Prime Minister. “They call names, they blame people, there’s nothing I’ve seen evidence of and I promise you this—the day any evidence of corruption comes in my face I will deal with it.”
Timing is everything in comedy and the Prime Minister’s quip would not have been nearly as funny if she was not speaking at the João Havelange CONCACAF Centre of Excellence in Macoya.
The Centre of Excellence is named after a former FIFA president and Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner’s mentor, João Havelange, who was found guilty of corruption by the IOC last year.
The very venue is being investigated by several international agencies at present to determine whether it is improperly held by Warner. While Wired868 proved that the National Security Minister lied to the media, earlier this year, when he claimed that he did not own the complex.
Wired868 cannot confirm whether Persad-Bissessar was winking during her speech or if there was something in her eye.
In an unrelated matter, Trinidad and Tobago playwright Paul Keens-Douglas has promised to fully explain the difference between comedians and jokers to Mr Live Wire. Unlike comedians, he said, jokers actually mean what they say.
Mr. Live Wire is an avid news reader who translates media reports for persons who can handle the truth. And satire. Unlike Jack Nicholson, he rarely yells.