Opposition Senator Fitzgerald Hinds claimed he never called the media “vultures” and said he was just passing on a message from Cheryl Miller when he told the TV6 and Express reporters outside her home that they were “hounding” her.
Miller had been locked away at the St Ann’s Psychiatric Hospital for 15 days and had barely been released for 24 hours before the press demanded an interview.
The press, it seems, invested in Miller’s stock and demanded instant returns.
Wired868 would like to know why there was not also a media team camped outside the homes of Gender Youth and Child Development Minister Verna St Rose Greaves, Permanent Secretary Sandra Jones and St Ann’s Medical Chief of Staff Dr Ian Hypolite, who might all know more about Miller’s detention than she does.
Mr. Live Wire is an avid news reader who translates media reports for persons who can handle the truth. And satire. Unlike Jack Nicholson, he rarely yells.
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