In 2001, Enron—named the ‘most innovative company ’ by Fortune magazine for six consecutive years—collapsed. Enron’s chairman and chief executive officer, Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling, were two arrogant and belligerent men who believed they were the ‘smartest guys in the room’. They believed that, through their sheer cleverness and …
Read More »Demming: Requiem at Angostura; Bharath is the chief celebrant…
You are cordially invited to The Daily Requiem for all victims of sexual harassment at Angostura Holdings Limited and indeed throughout Trinidad and Tobago. The chief celebrant will be Mr Terrence Bharath Chairman, Angostura Holdings Limited. In anticipation of his sermon here are two quotes from previous sermons. On July …
Read More »Demming: Why new Angostura chairman, Bharath, must face up to Balgobin affair
Since 2005 there have been allegations of sexual harassment levelled against Dr Rolph Balgobin. To quote a Trinidad Express Newspaper report of 4 January 2017: “Former (Arthur Lok Jack) ALJ Chairman and (at that time) University of the West Indies Principal Clement Sankat yesterday confirmed that he had inherited the …
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