Two former ministers were on Tuesday presented with their Instruments of Appointment to serve at Trinidad and Tobago’s overseas missions. They were among a group of five new heads of mission who received their credentials from Minister of Foreign and Caricom Affairs Senator the Honourable Dr Amery Browne. Lovell Francis, …
Read More »Damn, Darryl! Rowley’s election announcement stumps Smith’s pension plan
So the Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley has dissolved parliament and called for general elections. On 10 August, our nations go to the polls to determine who will govern us for the next five-year period. While the pending election should provoke excitement nationwide, at least one individual may be feeling …
Read More »Education Ministry says brace for September restart, reveals online learning plans
Minister of Education Anthony Garcia revealed that school is unlikely to restart before September 2020, as the government adjusts to the ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic. The third school term of the 2019-20 academic year was due to start on Monday 20 April but Garcia described that as ‘virtually impossible’. …
Read More »Replacing a dying order: the Sukhdeos, Crime Watch and media responsibility
So much dust has been kicked up since Rachael Sukhdeo’s facebook posting that visibility has been reduced to almost nil on her chilling allegations of domestic violence and the refusal of the police to act on her complaints. Now displacing her voice are loud reverberations about media censorship, conflicts between …
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